造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Not that many people will be itching to leave the space, with its fascinating collections.(并不是说人们渴望离开这个有着迷人收藏品的展馆。)
2、She didn't get better, and her palms started itching.(她没有好转并且她的手掌开始发痒。)
3、The globe on fire, the earth in blood and forgotten my peaceful evening by dint of itching, fighting, hunting, scanning the ceiling and the starry sky!(火焰中的地球,鲜血中的大地,借着渴望、战斗、狩猎、扫视天花板和满天繁星的天空,忘记了我宁静的夜晚!)
4、I found Lotrimin spray made the itching easier to bear.(我发现克霉唑喷雾使瘙痒更容易忍受。)
5、I switched to traditional medicine and all the hives disappeared, together with my itching.(我转而服用传统药物,我的荨麻疹和瘙痒都消失了。)
6、Then I switched to traditional medicine and all the hives disappeared, together with my itching.(后来我换了一种传统药物来吃,所有的荨麻疹都消失了,也不感觉瘙痒了。)
7、He's itching to get back to work.(他巴不得马上回去工作。)
8、Oh, man, I'm itching to get off work. I have a hot date tonight.(伙计,我可真是等不及要赶快下班了,因为今晚我有一个非常棒的约会。)
9、symptoms include itching, burning, blisters, or cracks on the feet and toes.(症状包括瘙痒,火燎般疼,水泡,脚和脚趾干裂。)
10、I'm itching to learn details about HP's WebOS device.(我也很想要了解惠普的网络操作系统设备的细节。)
11、Insect bites cause immediate redness, swelling, and itching.(昆虫叮咬后会立即发红、肿胀和瘙痒。)
12、People hate pre-rolls, especially when they're itching to start using an app.(人们痛恨前置广告,尤其当他们想快点启动应用时。)
13、The itching was almost more than he could stand.(他痒得几乎忍不住了。)
14、Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this small blush (cotton swab).(用小刷子(棉花棍)把洗剂涂在痒处。)
15、It may be that the itching is caused by contact with irritant material.(那儿的痒也许是由于接触刺激物而引起的。)
16、I'm itching all over.(我浑身发痒。)
17、Oral antihistamines or topical steroids may be used to decrease itching.(口服抗阻胺药物或者局部类固醇药物使用能减轻痒的症状。)
18、It's normal to feel itching and mild discomfort for a couple of days after surgery.(手术之后的几天,您可能会觉得眼睛痒以及轻微的不适感,这是正常的。)
19、He is itching to save Africa - but there is no formal job to apply for.(他渴望挽救非洲——但没有一个正式职位可供申请。)
20、All three cause itching and welts, and are totally inconvenient and, let’s be honest, gross.(这三种虱子都能引起瘙痒,让人身上挠痕累累,特别麻烦,而且,咱们实话实说,还很恶心。)
21、Normal discharge should have only a slight odor and should never cause itching or burning.(正常情况下,分泌物仅仅是微臭,但不会引起瘙痒或者灼热感。)
22、It can help ease sunburn pain, itching, and inflammation.(它能有助于缓解晒伤的灼痛感、痒和发炎。)
23、I was itching to get involved.(我渴望参与。)
24、In nature, itching and scratching help animals get rid of parasites, plant material, or other unwanted baggage.(事实上,骚痒和抓挠帮助动物去掉寄生虫、植物体或其它不想要的垃圾。)
25、Unfortunately lotions won't stop them from appearing but they may help the itching.(不幸的是,洗涤剂也不能把它们清洗掉,但或许可以止痒。)
26、Are there editors out there itching to become creators?(是否有希望成为创造者的编辑?)
27、The crowd was itching for a fight.(那群人摩拳擦掌地想打架。)
28、Most patients report itching, foreign body sensation, tearing, redness, and photophobia.(大多数病人会有眼痒,异物感,流泪,眼红,以及畏光等症状。)
29、Have you ever used the words unpleasant, creepy crawly, creeping, itching, pulling, or tugging to describe your symptoms to others?(你是否曾用“令人不愉快的”、“令人毛骨悚然的”、“爬行的”、“发痒的”、“拉扯的”、“拽拽的”等词向别人描述过你的症状?)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。