造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、This thesis is composed of foreword and six parts.(在引言中,介绍了本文的写作背景及写作目的。)
2、The first part is a foreword, it mainly elaborated Foucault and Habennas to the modernity manner.(第一部分为前言,它主要论述了福柯与哈贝马斯对现代性的态度。)
3、Indeed, Barnard wrote the foreword to Simon's (1947) Administrative Behavior.(其实,正是Barnard为Simon(1947)的《管理行为》撰写了序言。)
4、This paper is divided into four chapters except the foreword and conclusion.(本文除前言和结论外,共分四章。)
5、Mr Mandela has neither read the book nor written a foreword for it.(曼德拉先生从未读过这本书,也没有为这本书作序。)
6、foreword is a thesis topic and a brief description of topics of significance to do.(前言是对论文的选题及选题意义做简要说明。)
7、“SOME literary works are mortal; Jane Austen’s are immortal,” writes Harold Bloom in his foreword to this delightful volume.(哈罗德?布鲁姆在这本佳作的序言中写道:“有些文学作品转瞬即逝,简奥斯丁的作品长盛不衰”。)
8、And I urge you not to neglect the foreword by John Ray Jr., so I hope you read it, the little italicized foreword.(我希望你们不要忽略掉John,Ray,Jr,写的序言,我希望你们读一下那些斜体的序言。)
9、She has written the foreword to a book of recipes.(她为一本食谱写了前言。)
10、That dictionary has a preface, not a foreword.(那部词典有一篇序文,不是前言。)
11、the foreword part of this text has explained the writing cause and writing purpose and writing method of this text mainly.(本文的引言部分主要讲了本文的写作缘由和写作目的以及写作方法。)
12、It is a solemn and terrible thing to write a novel" (foreword xvii) .(写小说是件庄严而严肃的事情”(援引前言部分)。)
13、That is the test set out by Sam Palmisano in the foreword to a new book celebrating the 100th birthday of IBM, the firm he has run since 2002.(这个测验是IBM的首席执行官彭明盛(SamPalmisano)在一本庆祝IBM100周岁的新书的前言中提出的,他自2002年起掌管ibm。)
14、In the foreword, the writer mentions his wife and children.(在前言中,作者提到了他的妻儿。)
15、So, in a few days, you can look foreword to cold sores all over your body.(因此,在未来数天内,您可以看看前言冷疮,所有超过你的身体。)
16、Mandela has issued a statement saying he did not write the foreword. Nor has he read the book.(曼德拉已发表声明,表示自己没有为这本书作序,甚至连这本书都未曾读过。)
17、foreword: The attitude we hold toward setbacks decides whether we yield to our surroundings or change it.(引言:我们完全可以屈服于环境,也可以改变环境,关键取决于自己对困难所持的态度。)
18、The foreword partial mainly showed the selected topic significance and author's writing intention.(前言部分主要说明了选题的意义和作者的写作意图。)
19、At last, the article puts foreword a countermeasure to perfect the legal system of commercial bank supervision.(最后提出了依法完善我国商业银行监管体系的对策与措施。)
20、The publishers just made a small mistake of saying the word 'foreword' but the quotation stands for itself.(曼德拉本人支持里面引用的他的话。出版商只是犯了一个小错误把它放到前言里了。)
21、One major step foreword in design savvy was getting away from the pixel fonts of yester year and saying I’m ok with a size 28 font.(设计之前一个主要的步骤是想到不要用那些很久之前用的像素字了,然后说我觉的28号字很好。)
22、The foreword introduces the social background and the significance to study small claims procedure in our country.(前言介绍了我国研究小额诉讼程序的社会背景及意义。)
23、The first part of the paper is the foreword.(论文的第一部分是引言。)
24、Professor Zim, in his foreword to the Milton Papers , praises the book's boldness.(齐姆教授在《弥尔顿文集》的序言中赞扬了该书的胆识。)
25、Nabokov gives the reader four cantos of Pale Fire, 999 lines of rhyming couplets, plus an editor's foreword and scholarly annotations.(而纳博科夫在PaleFire里给读者四章共999行双行押韵的长诗,再加上编辑的前言和学术性的评注。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。