

2022-05-03 来源:汇意旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、In contrast, mamba, a 35-year-old farmer in Malawi, has no desire to leave his village despite droughts and periods of acute hunger.(不同的是,35岁的马拉维农民mamba不愿离开他的村子,尽管那里发生了干旱和严重的饥荒。)

2、Bryant even brought up his alter ego afterward, saying he "went to the Black mamba" when asked if he was "in the zone" in the final few minutes.(之后,科比甚至展示了他个性的另一面,当被问到在最后几分钟他进入的那种状态时,他说他变成了黑色曼巴蛇。)

3、Creep up to a sleeping mamba, tweak it by the tail.(他会蹑手蹑脚的走向一条熟睡的大王蛇,扭它的尾巴。)

4、Bryant's fans certainly will kill me because I put the Black mamba in second row.(科比的球迷肯定会把我杀了,因为我把这条黑曼巴排在第二名。)

5、But I like the different kinds of music and I know how to dance the tango the mamba the merengue.(但是我喜欢不同的音乐,我会跳探戈,曼巴,还有梅伦格舞。)

6、But as long as the "BLACK mamba" still roams the courts, he will have to play second fiddle.(但是只要当“黑曼巴”还在球场漫步的时候,他就不得不坐第二把交椅。)

7、Once a mamba was found with a parrot in its stomach, another with a full grown Forest Cobra!(一经一个非洲产毒蛇与它的胃的一只鹦鹉一起发现,另外的由于一条完整的长大森林眼镜蛇!)

8、If an attacker persists, the mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly, injecting large amounts of potent neuro- and cardiotoxin with each strike.(如果攻击者保持态势,黑曼巴不会马上攻击,但是会不断地,释放大量的强力神经和心脏毒素。)

9、Before the advent of black mamba antivenin, a bite from this fearsome serpent was 100 percent fatal, usually within about 20 minutes.(在黑曼巴抗毒血清出现之前,被这种恐怖的蛇咬上一口必死无疑,通常在20分钟内就会死去。)

10、The black mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes, why do I take this name? Because I once entered the stadium, I'm deadly, like the black mamba.(黑曼巴是一种拥有致命剧毒的蛇,为什么我取这个名字呢?是因为我一旦进入赛场,我就是致命的,就像黑曼巴一样。)

11、Effects created using computer via mamba laser software, a very interesting video.(创建使用效果通过曼巴激光软件,一个非常有趣的视频的电脑。)

12、The mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly, injecting large amounts of potent neuro- and cardiotoxin with each strike.(黑曼巴不会立即发起攻击,但是会不断地,释放大量的强力神经和心脏毒素。)

13、I let the mamba loose.(这场比赛我彻底放开了打。)

14、Unfortunately, antivenin is still not widely available in the rural parts of the mamba’s range, and mamba-related deaths remain frequent.(不幸的是,这种抗毒蛇素的血清并没有在曼巴蛇出没的乡村区域广泛被利用,所以曼巴蛇致人死亡的事件依然时常发生。)

15、The black mamba is not actually black.(黑色的非洲产毒蛇不是实际上黑色。)

16、The mamba is mainly threatened by habitat destruction.(黑曼巴主要地被生境破坏威胁。)

17、The Big mamba, The Assassin has his opportunity at a ring so close he can taste it.(大曼巴,杀手(科比的外号)离总冠军戒指越来越近,他几乎可以尝到总冠军的味道。)

18、This is the Black mamba, you know what I mean?(这是黑曼巴,你知道我的意思吗?)

19、Like the Green mamba, the Copperhead is equipped with the new internal hydro-drive pedalling system.(像绿色马姆巴,盈科配备新的内部水力驱动踏蹬制度。)

20、Will Mike Brown allow Kobe to go off, or will "Black mamba" play within the new system?(迈克·布朗教练让科比独自主宰比赛还是“黑曼巴”融入全新的体系之中?)

21、I thought Kobe retired, but that looked like vintage mamba there.(我以为科比已经退役了,但这球我看到了老曼巴的身影。)

22、The Black mamba is the most deadly snake in the world.(黑曼巴是世界上最致命的蛇。)

23、the black mamba has no special conservation status.(黑曼巴没有设立特别保护区。)

24、She put a black mamba in his camper.(她在他住的活动屋里放了条黑曼巴。)

25、Southern African mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite.(产于非洲南部的树眼镜蛇,由于其咬人迅速敏捷而令人恐怖。)

26、For me, this is the spirit of the black mamba, my source of spiritual lies.(对我来说这就是黑曼巴的精神,我的精神的源头所在。)

27、The Black mamba lives in South Africa.(黑曼巴居住在南非。)

28、But only with the mamba, and this has been true in Africa since the dawn of time, is death sure. Hence its handle, Death Incarnate.(而从古至今,只有黑曼巴不会留一个活口,因此被称为死神的化身。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


