造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The photo at right, taken on Feb. 2, 2010, shows similar methods for acquiring and distributing potable water that were in use immediately after the disaster.(而右图拍摄于2010年2月2日,则是在地震之后,采取类似的方式给居民分发能够立刻使用的饮用水。)
2、Most of the world's potable water—freshwater suitable for drinking—is accounted for by groundwater, which is stored in the pores and fractures in rocks.(世界上大部分的饮用水——适合饮用的淡水——是由地下水提供的,它储存在岩石的孔隙和裂缝中。)
3、Plants and microorganisms filter wastewater so it can be reused to flush toilets and for other non-potable USES.(植物和微生物对废水进行过滤,以便重复使用于冲洗厕所和其它非饮用途。)
4、A dab of hydrogen peroxide and a flash of ultraviolet light serve as the final sterilizing gatekeepers before the water reenters potable supplies.(在这些水重新进入安全饮用的供水系统之前,作为最后的消毒系统是一小点过氧化氢和闪现紫外光线。)
5、In addition, accomplishments such as the supply of potable water to a community are only responses to problems that mankind created in the past.(再者,像供应社区饮水的这类成就,就只是人类在为过去所制造的问题做出回应而已。)
6、Today there's data processing, food services, showers, potable water services, transportation.(而现在有了数据处理,食物救济,沐浴设施,饮用水服务,以及运输工作。)
7、The traffic is murder, the smog so bad locals wear face masks and the tap water isn't potable.(那里的交通状况真要命,雾霾严重、以至于当地人都得戴面罩,而且自来水也不能直接饮用。)
8、With one of these COINS she would buy a sweet from an Indian shopkeeper. With the other, she would buy potable water from a kiosk.(她会用一个硬币从一个印度人开的小店里买颗糖,另一个呢,她会从小售货亭买瓶水。)
9、However, the undeniable fact is that today there are more schools, hospitals, more potable water, and more economic activity than during the war period.(然而,不可否认的事实是,今天比战争年代有了更多的学校、更多的医院、更多的饮用水、以及更多的经济活动。)
10、Use Ultra low-flow water closet or composting toilet. Don't use or use little potable water to water plants.(使用低水量马桶或无水马桶。不使用或少使用饮用水浇灌植物。)
11、Well, this is possible because big portion of it is salt water, and that leaves us with only 1% of potable water.(但这是非常可能的,因为一大部分是盐水,而能喝的水只有1%。)
12、That is not bad, but is still double what is potable. There is therefore one further step.(虽然浓度也不是很高,但仍然是5%可饮用浓度的两倍,因此需要对其进一步的淡化。)
13、This type of silicone is safe for potable water.(所用的硅胶是饮用水安全型硅胶。)
14、The idea of obtaining potable water from waster-water is a psychologically difficult one for many people to accept.(从污水获得饮用水,对许多人来说,是一种在心理上难以接受的观念。)
15、We now happily pay as much as four times the cost of gasoline for potable water that we could have for free from fountains and taps.(我们现在高高兴兴地花四倍于汽油的价格买饮用水,而这些水我们完全可以从饮水机和水龙头那免费接取。)
16、Droughts can decrease the availability of potable water and can ruin crops, making food scarce.(干旱可能减少饮用水的供应,并可以毁掉庄稼,造成食物稀缺。)
17、In places where the water is not potable , they set up purifying systems.(在那些水质不干净的地方,他们造了过滤器。)
18、Despite Nunes's demurral, IBM actually is working to create more potable water.(虽然Nunes在否认,但是IBM的确是创造了更多的饮用水。)
19、The set up purifying systems in dozens of places where the water was not potable.(他们在许多水适于饮用的地方设置了净化系统。)
20、It was a living page from America's past, when every river was clean, potable, and full of life.(当每条河流干干净净,又可安全饮用,而且充满了生命,这是美国过去充满生机的一页。)
21、the group has already received funds to replace the corroded iron pipes that deliver potable water into their homes with plastic tubes.(这个组织已经接受了一笔资金,用于以塑料管道替换被腐蚀的铁质饮用水管道。)
22、Objective To Understand hygienic situation of potable water quality in rural areas of Chuzhou and strengthen sanitation management.(目的研究滁州市农村生活饮用水卫生状况,探讨加强农村生活饮用水卫生管理策略。)
23、The use of rainwater and low-flow plumbing fixtures will reduce potable water consumption by 68 percent.(雨水和低流量管路装置可以将饮用水需求减少68%。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。