


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Objective To investigate the nursing care intervention of the pregnancy with diabetes after parturition.(目的探讨妊娠合并糖尿病的产后护理。)

2、Results:The artificial abortion had unfavorable influence on the following pregnancy, parturition and the new-born.(结果:人工流产对再妊娠和分娩的并发症及新生儿的质量均有很大影响。)

3、The physiological growth index of 17 rats were observed during pregnancy and after parturition.(观察母鼠妊娠期和分娩后的生理、生育指标;)

4、Objective: To study the application value of the parturition for company in high risk pregnancy.(目的:探讨陪伴分娩在高危妊娠中的应用价值。)

5、Conclusion: parturition for company can relieve tension and fear of parturient to increase their encouragement and decrease the occurrence of complications.(结论:陪伴分娩可以减轻产妇的心理压力和对分娩的恐惧,减少并发症的发生,促进产妇顺产的信心。)

6、On parturition day and the 28~(th) day, backfat thickness, body weight of lactation sows were recorded respectively.(在分娩当天、第28天分别记录母猪背膘厚和体重;)

7、The riskfactors of LBW rate included multiple fetus, multiple parturition, inadequate duration of pregnancy, high altitude, low GNP and maternal anemia, et al.(本次调查低出生体重率的危险因素有多胎、多产次、孕周不足、高海拔、低国民生产总值及妇女贫血等。)

8、methods the clinical record document of 17 cases pregnancy associated with diabetes after parturition were analysed.(方法对17例妊娠合并糖尿病患者产后病历资料的分析及观察。)

9、The ante-primiparous artificial abortion had unfavorable influence on the following pregnancy, parturition and the new-born.(初产前人工流产对再次妊娠、分娩的并发症及新生儿的质量均有不良影响。)

10、The two groups of patients were given NST examination after 32 weeks for gestation and situations of the newborn and gravida after parturition were compared.(两组病人在孕32击后行胎心率无激惹试验(NST)检查,分娩后比较两组围生儿预后及产妇预后情况。)

11、Subclinical ketosis occurred most commonly from 10 to 30 days after parturition.(亚临床酮病在产犊后10—30天发病率最高。)

12、After natural parturition, the growth of baby mice had been in normal.(自然分娩后,新生动物发育生长正常。)

13、The second part deep analyses and explores the essential thought of Socrates humanistic diversion's gestation and parturition.(苏格拉底以其哲学思想所凸显的新核心、新视角和深层的价值转向展示了苏格拉底人学转向的可能。)

14、The bed is designed for grnacological diagnoosis, operation and parturition.(本床适用于产前检查、手术、分娩用。)

15、Methods A total of101 cases of oligohydramnios from1994 to1996 were analyzed and compared with normal parturition.(方法对1994~996年我院101例羊水过少病例进行分析,并与正常分娩者进行对比。)

16、The first milk secreted by a mammal, especially a cow, after parturition; colostrum.(初乳哺乳动物分娩后最初分泌的奶,尤指牛;初乳。)

17、The regulatory effects of different FAACs in sow and piglet rations were evaluated in this study with 17 pure Duroc sows, 1 month before the 2nd parturition.(选用临产前一个月的第2胎纯种杜洛克母猪17头,研究赖氨酸铁和甘氨酸铁作为母、仔猪日粮铁源添加剂对仔猪生长发育的影响。)

18、Methods: 738 cases about parturition in hospital from 2006 were collected, and then a review was also given.(方法:对2006年我院住院分娩中行剖宫产的738例进行回顾性分析。)

19、The most reliable sign of approaching parturition was restlessness and solitude by leaving far from the herd.(最可靠的分娩予兆是不安及企图离群。)

20、Every case had a monitoring card filled in by midwife within 24 hours after parturition.(使用统一的监测个案卡,由监测点接生人员在产妇分娩24小时后及时填写按季上报。)

21、Primary efficacy endpoints was the incidences of micturition syncope after parturition.(目的探讨提前护理干预对产后排尿性晕厥的效果。)

22、Conclusion the use of labor ball can enhance the rate of vaginal parturition, relieve the labor pain and shorten the labor course.(结论在第一产程使用分娩球运动能提高分娩率,减轻疼痛,缩短产程。)

23、Did the parturition go well yesterday evening?(昨天晚上分娩顺利吗?)

24、The placenta, weighing a pound or more at the end of pregnancy, is expelled at parturition.(胎盘在妊娠后期重约半公斤,在分娩时排出。)

25、Objective: To explore analgesic effect in parturition of ear point stimulation and Cib 'ao injection.(目的:探讨耳穴刺激及次髎穴注射分娩镇痛效果。)

26、The result indicated that the hormone profiles during induced parturition were similar to those of natural parturition.(结果表明,诱导分娩过程中各种激素的变化和自然分娩基本一样。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


