造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【put in place造句】内容,供您参考。
1、Moreover, the reverse-engineering environment and tools should be put in place.(此外,逆向工程环境合工具应该就位。)
2、Although it is not known how the blocks were put in place, several theories have been proposed.(尽管人们还无法知晓这些石块是如何巧到好处地放置的,但人们已对此提出了一些看法。)
3、He presided over the FSA when the so-called "light touch" regulation was put in place.(他执掌金融管理局期间正是所谓轻触式管理到位的时候。)
4、A password policy is put in place to ensure the systems that users access are secure.(密码策略用来确保用户访问的系统的安全性。)
5、We put in place policies and tools to collect them.(我们设置政策和工具来收集它们。)
6、How do we help them put in place good practices across the whole software life cycle?(如何帮助他们将好的实践放到整个软件开发周期中的适当位置上?)
7、And more policies and measures are put in place in this regard.(针对该问题还将不断出台更多政策和措施。)
8、Over 30 years of effort, we have put in place a systematic procedure for controlling the population.(经过30年的努力,我们已经部署了一套控制人口的系统方案。)
9、It was put in place to help protect the space shuttle from bird strike damage.(雷达被放在合适的位置,以保护航空飞机免受鸟击损害。)
10、Fourth, we must put in place mechanisms to protect the most vulnerable.(第四,必须建立保护最脆弱群体的机制。)
11、If the test is successful, about 116 miles would be put in place.(如果这一测试成功了,立体快巴将进一步建设116公里。)
12、Next, you need to put in place the code to handle these events when they are fired.(下一步,在正确的位置加入代码,以便在激发事件时进行处理。)
13、Restrictions can be put in place to restrict certain commands to users.(可以对用户能够运行的命令实施限制。)
14、Discuss how it will be updated, and which procedures you've put in place to accommodate changes.(讨论如何对架构进行更新以及哪些流程您已经做了调整以适应变化。)
15、There is no shortage of witnesses, though the ICC wants a witness-protection programme put in place.(尽管国际刑事法院打算将一份证人保护计划付诸实施,但其实证人并不短缺。)
16、regulation will tighten, as higher capital requirements are put in place.(随着更高的资本要求就位,监管将加强。)
17、And plans remarkably similar to the old British idea were put in place for local defence militias.(当地的防卫军执行了这个和陈旧的英国想法非常相似的计划。)
18、The entire observatory would be put in place by robotic vehicles.(整个观察站将由机器人建成。)
19、This is because internal processes have not been put in place to support the content contributors.(这是因为内部流程没有到位地支持内容投递者。)
20、With more effective measures put in place, the disease has been brought under control.(由于采取了更有效的措施,疾病已得到控制。)
21、The Bank has put in place stringent financial disclosure rules for its employees.(世界银行已经对其官员采取了严格的金融公开规定。)
22、The technology components needed to facilitate this are being put in place now.(帮助进行此工作所需的技术组件现在已经就位。)
23、Some high level but defined quality standards must be put in place.(某些高级但是确定的质量标准必须就位。)
24、But as important as the regulatory (and tax) regime they put in place is the general climate.(但同监管制度(以及税务制度)一样重要的是,保守党还要恢复金融大气候。)
25、The functionality introduced here allows you to run a program after the device node is put in place.(这里介绍的功能允许你在设备节点到位后运行一个程序。)
26、So, last-ditch measures were put in place this week.(所以在本周不得不采取最后一招。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。