造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【the PRC造句】内容,供您参考。
1、In this and other respects, it remains to be seen how the PRC courts will interpret the Code and apply its provisions.(就这方面及其他方面而言,中国法院将会如何解释该法和适用该法的具体规定,这仍有待我们进一步的观察。)
2、All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC first exchanged Ambassadors.(这一切与1972年英中两国首次互换大使时的情景大不相同。)
3、The curricula of primary and secondary school since the founding of the PRC have been mainly in three categories: knowledge, tools, and skills.(新中国建立以来,中小学的课程设置大体上分工具类、知识类、技艺类三大类。)
4、A foreign individual or enterprise generally has the same litigation rights and obligations as a citizen or legal person of the PRC.(外国个人或外国企业一般与中国公民或法人具有同样的诉讼权利及义务。)
5、The Company may in the PRC domestic market and on the international market.(合营公司可以在中国国内及国际市场上。)
6、Chapter III: Discussion of the new cultural tendency under the background of the system construction of the PRC.(第三章论述了在新中国制度建构之后表现出来的新文化走势。)
7、we appreciate the immense pressure brought to bear on your administration by the prc over the programming of the documentary in the kaohsiung film festival (kff).(我们相当感激您为高雄电影节播映《爱》片一事所承受来自中国的强大压力。)
8、In any case, as the PRC weapons designers surely knew, the way to "light" a DT "pellet" is with a nuclear explosion, not with an ICF laser facility.(无论在任何情况下,中国的武器设计者们都明确地知道,“点燃”一枚dt小弹丸的方法是使原子爆炸,而不是用icf的设施。)
9、The unfinished hull was bought by the PRC in 1996.(未完工的船体在1996年被中国购买。)
10、We are a leading insurance group in the PRC with the ability to provide multiple financial services and products.(本公司是中国领先的保险集团公司,有能力提供多元化金融服务及产品。)
11、We will maintain the Company's principal register of members at our current registered office in the PRC.(本公司的股东名册总册将由本公司目前在中国的注册办事处存置。)
12、the PRC is in a very healthy financial position, no need for the west to bank roll anything.(中国金融状况很健康,不需要西方提供任何资金帮助。)
13、The Company's collection, maintenance and transfer of this personal information will be kept within and outside of the PRC.(公司可以在中国境内外收集、保管和转移上述个人信息。)
14、You can ask the PRC school age kids what they have been taught.(你可以问问中国学校的孩子他们是被怎么教导的。)
15、He has earned a living as a celebrity chef after the foundation of the PRC.(周大文是既有烹饪理论又有精湛技艺的一代名厨。)
16、Chapter two is to review and reflect the educational aim of mathematics in primary schools since the found of the PRC.(第二章,对建国以来的小学数学教育目的进行了历史回顾与人文反思;)
17、Multinational enterprises have accelerated their relocation of labor-intensive and export-oriented industries to the PRC.(跨国企业加快了在中国重新部署它们劳动密集型和出口导向型的工业。)
18、After the founding of the PRC, he led and participated in the development of the first D101 automatic filature machine in China, and he succeeded.(新中国成立后,领导和参与中国第一台D101定纤自动缫丝机的研制,获得成功。)
19、PetroChina, one of the largest companies in the PRC in terms of sales, is engaged in a broad range of activities related to petroleum and natural gas, including.(中国石油是中国销售额最大的公司之一,广泛从事与石油、天然气有关的各项业务,包括。)
20、When the PRC was established in 1949, China's basic pharmaceutical industries were very weak.(尽管1949年建国时,中国的医药业还都十分薄弱。)
21、the PRC-343 (H4855) PRR, manufactured by SELEX Communications, provides short-range communications for frontline soldiers.(由ESLEX通信公司制造的PRC-343(H4855)PRR,能为前线士兵提供短程通信。)
22、If the Russians can get the "foreign aid" to dispose of their excess Plutonium from the PRC, then Congress won't have to supply it.(如果俄罗斯能够从中国获得“外援”以处理他们过剩的钚,那么国会不会被迫满足俄的要求。)
23、When the copyright law of the PRC was modified in 2001, acrobatics has been protected by the copyright law.(我国著作权法于2001年修改时,规定杂技受著作权法的保护,但理论界与实务界对杂技作品著作权的研究还很薄弱。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。