造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【play piano造句】内容,供您参考。
1、Organizers of "Britain's Most Talented Pet" say they have found a dog that can mow the lawn and play the piano, the Daily Telegraph reported.(据英国《每日电讯报》近日报道,“英国最有才华宠物”节目的组织者说,他们发现了一只既会除草又会弹钢琴的宠物狗。)
2、Or if all you have is a violin and you want to play piano on it, that won't work either.(或者如果你只拥有一架小提琴,但是你却想弹钢琴,那同样也是不可能的。)
3、So you can change the speed. I myself play piano so I sometimes use a metronome. So it works pretty well.(你可以调节速率,我弹钢琴,所以有时候要用节拍器,很好用。)
4、I want to learn to play piano, which is a little too late for my age, I also want to travel to many places, but my parents never let me travel alone, because they think it is dangerous.(我想要学钢琴,这对我的年龄来说有点晚,我也想要去很多旅游,但是父母不让我单独去,因为他们觉得危险。)
5、She likes to play piano and distastes hip-hop or rap. Also claims not to be interested in fashion.(她喜欢弹钢琴,不喜欢嘻哈和说唱音乐,同时声称自己对时尚也不感兴趣。)
6、Xiao Ming doesn't play piano on Saturday.(肖明星期六不弹钢琴。)
7、I would like to publish a novel before I die, and I also would like to learn to play piano with a string quartet.(我想在死之前发表一部小说,还想为一个弦乐四重奏乐团担任钢琴伴奏。)
8、I don't know how to play piano. I just learnt how to play those pieces in the film.(我也不知道怎么弹钢琴,只会弹电影里的那几首。)
9、Its colourful form of music and comprehensive training of skill enable learners to play piano as well as improve their abilities of music expression.(它以二段式、三段式、回旋曲式为主,音乐形象丰富、技术训练全面,使学习者在掌握弹奏技巧的同时也提高了音乐表现能力。)
10、Give examples to say, if you want to have a chat boxing match or mathematics hard nut to crack with me, that just like in play piano the cow.(举例来说,如果你想和我聊聊拳击比赛或是数学难题,那无异于对牛弹琴。)
11、During these years I began to play the piano and the organ, and with time music has become my major interest outside science.(在中学时,我开始练习弹钢琴和管风琴,音乐逐渐成了我除科学以外的最大的兴趣。)
12、Although parents might fret over the details of such advantages-is it better to play the piano or the violin? -these details are mostly insignificant, subject to the law of diminishing returns.(虽然家长可能纠结于一些细枝末节的问题(究竟是选钢琴还是小提琴),但根据收益递减规律,这样的细节问题几乎不发生影响。)
13、According to a 2004 article in News Guangdong, MARK NDESANDJO has been teaching children at the Shenzhen Social Welfare Center how to play piano since June 2002.(根据广东新闻网2004年的一篇文章报道,马克·恩德桑乔从2002年起教深圳社会福利中心的孩子们怎样弹钢琴。)
14、Retail clerks memorize 11-digit mobile phone numbers in a flash and can recite orders faultlessly; perhaps they play the piano quite well, too.(包括可以快速记住11位手机号码并能熟练地背诵订单的售货员,也许他们弹钢琴也相当不错。)
15、I'd never thought Weiwei could play piano so well so that I can't help envying him.(没想到玮玮钢琴弹得也那么好,真是令人羡煞。)
16、I likes to play piano, read, workout and outdoor activities.(我喜欢弹钢琴,读书,参加户外活动。)
17、The disease robbed him of his ability to play piano. It also destroyed his ability to write music.(这种疾病夺走了他弹琴钢琴的能力,也摧毁了他音乐创作的才能。)
18、Whatever choices I made, he was always behind me one hundred and fifty percent; from wanting to play piano, attending art and clay modeling classes, to pursuing my career as a social worker.(成长的过程中,不管我的抉择如何,从学琴,参加美术和黏土班,到锁定以社会工作为自己的事业,他总是百分之一百地在背后支持我。)
19、Music became an outlet and he learned to play the piano, then became fascinated by cars.(音乐成为了出口,并且他学会弹钢琴,然后变得迷住乘汽车。)
20、parsons loves to play the piano and also enjoys watching sports, especially tennis, baseball and basketball.(帕森斯喜欢弹钢琴和看体育比赛,尤其喜爱网球,棒球和篮球赛事。)
21、I am blessed to be able to sing, play piano, improvise, and scat at the same time.(我有幸能同时被赐予唱歌、弹钢琴、即兴创作和说唱的才能。)
22、As parents, we love our children unconditionally. They do not have to gain a's, or play piano or any other Musical Instruments in order to gain parents' love.(身为父母,我们无条件地爱我们的子女,不是因为他们的成绩优异、或者音乐造诣高。)
23、We gathered to plan projects, to play piano, to go shopping, to share the idols we loved, to sing, to eat, to laugh together.(我们常常聚在一起策划项目、弹琴、逛街购物、分享喜欢的明星、去唱歌、去聚餐、大家笑在一起。)
24、Expecting the average person to think logically and critically is like expecting the average person to play the piano or write a book.(但指望普通人能进行逻辑性思维和批判性思维,就像指望普通人能弹钢琴或能写书一样。)
25、So, despite not really knowing how to play the piano and not knowing how to read or write music, Cicoria got himself a piano and promptly began to play everything he heard in his head.(于是,尽管实际上不知道该如何弹钢琴,也不知道如何读写乐谱,西科里拉还是给自己买了一台钢琴,并且立即开始弹奏脑子里听到的一切。)
26、I like to listen to the music and to play piano and occasionally to go swimming.(我喜欢听音乐、弹钢琴,有时候去游泳。)
27、Today, I will give what everyone speak be 1 in widely known idiom in China-play piano the cow.(今天,我将给大家讲的是一个在中国家喻户晓的成语---对牛弹琴。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。