


  Celtic believed that the sun god helped them grow crops. But each year thesun god is attacked by an evil force called Samhain and spent six months incaptivity. Samhain, and two other titles, "Lord of Dead" and "Prince ofDarkness", came to Celtic land with cold and dark winters.

  The celts are very afraid of the night of October 31, because they feellike there's a bunch of evil souls lurking everywhere. They set fire to theirhome to let evil spirits leave their homes. (the last untranslated paragraph wasthat the flames could frighten the ghost away.) They believed Samhain had calledthe dead, and they believed that Samhain would turn the dead into somethingelse, like a cat. The celts will be disguising their evil spirits with terribledisguises. (this is the prototype for Halloween.)

  Then Rome took over the Celtic lands and put the Roman holiday togetherwith the Celtic Samhain festival on October 31, and it was now Halloween.
