

2024-07-31 来源:汇意旅游网


  Dear friends: Hello everyone! Welcome to Fenghuangshan scenic area.

  Dandong Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is one of the four famous mountainsin Liaoning Province and a national scenic spot. It covers an area of 182 squarekilometers. It has high mountains, lush forests, waterfalls and springs. It ismagnificent and has different scenery in four seasons. Cultural relics andhistoric sites are everywhere. It is a famous tourist attraction. It has morethan 100 key landscapes with the ten major landscapes of "scenery, peak, danger,stone, cave, spring, object, temple, carving and trace" as the main line.

  Dandong Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is located 3 kilometers southeast ofFengcheng City. Fenghuang mountain was formed 150 million years ago. It belongsto the aftervein of Changbai Mountain. The main body is composed of granite,with huge cliffs, broad stones, moss like ink. The landscape is unique. The mainpeak, zanyunfeng, is 836.4 meters above sea level.

  Since ancient times, Fenghuang Mountain has been known as "the first famousmountain in Liaodong", "the famous mountain at the gate of the country", "thefirst famous mountain of the Great Wall" and "the first famous mountain ofChinese adventure". As early as the Qing Dynasty, it was the first of the fourfamous mountains (Fenghuang mountain, Qianshan Mountain, Yiwulu Mountain andYaoshan mountain) in Liaoning Province. It is rated as a national scenic spotand a national 4A scenic spot.

  Fenghuang Mountain has a long history and culture. It was called "Wugumountain" in the southern and Northern Dynasties and "xiongshan mountain" in thelate Sui and early Tang Dynasties. It is said that during the reign of emperorZhenguan of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, the emperor of Taizong, was on a tour tothe East. When he toured the mountain, a phoenix led a hundred birds to payhomage to it. Taizong was so happy that he named it "Phoenix Mountain", whichhas a history of more than 1300 years.

  Scenic spots

  Fenghuang Mountain has been built into the West and East Mountain scenicspots, with high mountains and luxuriant forests, crisscross streams andwaterfalls, and beautiful scenery. Since the Jin Dynasty, Fenghuang Mountain hasbeen famous for its eight beautiful sceneries. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the inscriptions on dashiya by literati made Fenghuang Mountain combine naturalbeauty with artificial beauty, forming ten world-famous scenic spots: Stone shedfor summer vacation, flying waves in streams, holy land of Doumu, mountainclouds for sea, Cangsong standing in the moon, strange rocks flying in the sky,pine path for autumn, Tianchi Lake in sight, overlapping peaks for clouds andDongdi Yingzhou.

  The hero of Fenghuang Mountain

  Fenghuang mountain is a majestic mountain scenic spot, which integratesnatural beauty and humanistic beauty, and integrates "majestic, dangerous,secluded, strange and beautiful". It's like a wonderful place for tourists toclimb the mountain and enjoy the scenery of "a thousand feet of blue and bluepaintings on the rocks, and a stream of poetry on the Sea Cloud Pavilion".

  Fenghuang mountain is a "majestic" mountain. Seven steep peaks, such asJiangjun peak, Shenma peak and Jianyan peak, soar up to the sky and soar up tothe blue clouds. They look at the world and are the places for a hundred Li highand distant view.

  The wonder of Fenghuang Mountain

  Fenghuang mountain is a "strange" mountain! Stone wall crane shadow, goldenturtle courtship and other strange stone scenes are both vivid and vivid;Magnolia, Yuling, Rhododendron and other rare flowers vie for splendor andfragrance all over the mountain; more than 40 cliffs, such as "high mountainsand long waters", "standing in the middle of the sky" and so on, are engravedwith solemn, magnificent and colorful carvings; The trestle road in the air islike a dark dragon. You can lie in the mountains, look up at the heaven and theearth, and walk freely, making the tourists feel at ease.

  The danger of Fenghuang Mountain

  Fenghuang mountain is a "precipitous" mountain. The famous dangerousscenery of laoniubei, tiantianjue and baibujin make people afraid, daunted andawe inspiring. The "mountain city" is built on the mountain with grand scale andgreat momentum. The 800 meter cableway crosses the mountains, sweeps through thejungle and hovers at the mountainside and foot of the mountain.

  The seclusion of Fenghuang Mountain

  Fenghuang mountain is a "quiet" mountain! The scenery of mountain cloudsspreading over the sea and streams flying like a dream, beautiful as afairyland; danquan, Shengyuan, Fenglei and other mountain springs are sweet andrefreshing; Fenghuang cave, tongxuan cave and other winding paths lead toseclusion, with unique caves; Kublai tower, liberation memorial tower and othertowering stands, carrying history; Ziyang temple, Chaoyang temple and othertemples are solemn, simple and fragrant.

  Phoenix Mountain show

  Fenghuang mountain is a "beautiful" mountain. The scenery of Fenghuangmountain changes from time to time. It can be enjoyed in four seasons: thespring mountain is verdant, the azalea is red, the summer is full of clouds, thesound of waterfalls is heard, the autumn maple is beautiful, and the winter snowand ice cover the pine.

  Fenghuang yam king temple was built in memory of Sun Simiao. The annualApril 28 Yaowang Temple Fair has been held since the Qing Dynasty. It lasts forthree days from April 27 to April 29 of the lunar calendar. During this period,merchants gathered, heroes gathered, lively, tourists as many as hundreds ofthousands of people.

  "If I had known that the scenery of Fenghuang mountain was good, why shouldI have traveled thousands of miles to the south of the Yangtze River?". Now,Fenghuang Mountain has become the leading scenic spot in Dandong.

  That's the end of our explanation. When you visit by yourself, you must payattention to safety. I wish you a pleasant journey.


  今天请大家来参观凤凰山风景名胜区,辽宁凤凰山导游词。凤凰山位于丹东市西北60千米处。古为“辽东第一名山”,清朝道光咸丰年间(1821——1860年),凤凰山就与医巫闾山、千山、药山并称为奉天省(今辽宁省)四大名山。现被称誉为“国门名山”,“万里长城第一名山”,景区面积216.875平方千米。 现在我们车走的这条路是沈丹公路,即丹东到沈阳的公路。沈丹公路长约280千米,凤凰山就位于沈丹公里旁边。丹东到凤凰山是60千米,那么从凤凰山到沈阳则是220千米。 从这(指沈丹公路入口处)到凤凰山大约需要一个小时,我想利用这段时间给大家介绍一下凤凰山有关情况。 我们说凤凰山是“万里长城第一名山”,把凤凰山与万里长城联系起来,并不是想借万里长城之名而夸耀凤凰山,凤凰山的确是万里长城东端起点上第一座秀丽山峰。有关长城专家早已考证,万里长城东端起点不是在山海关,而是在丹东的虎山。那么大家可能会问,既然万里长城起点是虎山,虎山应该是“万里长城第一名山”。而虎山重在长城。我想大家会同意我的这个想法吧。


  凤凰山位于长白山余脉,面积120多平方千米,最高峰是攒云峰,海拔836.4。凤凰山分为西山、东山、庙沟、古城、玉龙湖等景区。遍游凤凰山人们常说,凤凰山有泰山之雄、华山之险、黄山之奇、娥眉之秀。其中“老牛背”、“天下绝”、“箭眼”等奇观世间罕见;“凤凰洞”、“三教堂”、“一品洞天”等古洞幽深;“山云铺海”、“天池在望”等十大景观变化多端;“石壁鹤影”、“参娘望夫”等奇形怪石栩栩如生;“腊柞连理”、“参娘柞”等古树摇曳多姿;“丹泉”、“凤洞”等清泉四季不竭;“天女木兰”、“玉玲”、“杜鹃”等珍贵花卉四季飘香;“紫阳观”、“斗母观”、“观音阁”等庙宇古刹庄重古朴;“忽必烈塔”、“解放纪念塔”、“古城垒”等历史古迹至今尚存;“将军峰”、“神马峰”、“箭眼峰”等七座山峰拔峭冲天;“高山水长”、“亘古中天”等40余处摩崖镌刻颇具功力,这样凤凰山变成了融自然美、人工美于一处,交织成一幅天然绝妙、和谐壮观的中国山水画卷。 春山吐翠杜鹃红,夏赏云海听瀑声,秋风染胜锦绣,冬雪冰凌掩青松。 这首诗就是对凤凰山的真实写照。

  因为时间关系我们今天不能参观完凤凰山的每一个景点,我想和大家一起游览一下西山景区比较集中的几个有代表性的景点,让我们能窥一斑而见全貌。 现在我们在这里停车,请大家做好登山的准备。

  我们眼前看到的就是紫阳观。书中对紫阳观名字的来历是这样解释的,“晨起即受曦阳之光照。曦阳初上光呈紫色,有‘紫气东来’之说,道教称曦阳为紫阳,又说紫阳乃祥瑞之状,故道观以此为名”。今天我们亦是早早地来到紫阳观,正逢“紫气东来”之良机,看来这会给我们每个人带来好运和吉祥的。 紫阳观是凤凰山主持,亦称三官殿。始建与明弘治初年,原名“大宁寺”。后来又称“逍遥寺”,先时僧人住寺,明清之间,由于战火不断,兵荒马乱,日见凋零,雍正年间,仅有老僧人一人,老僧死后,庙就归于道教,乾隆初年,道士李永义,改寺建观,始称“紫阳观”,道观十三年重修,由三官殿、东西配殿、钟鼓楼组成。

  现在让我们进三官殿看一看吧。三官殿内供奉天、地、水三官神像。中间是天官尧,尧能赐福;右边是地民舜,舜可赦罪;左边是水官禹,禹能惩恶。虔诚的人们在三官神像前叩拜,就会解脱罪恶,得享天福。三官神像左边的是“瑶池金女”群塑(传说),右侧为“八仙过海”群塑(传说),正殿东面是“护法灵官”,告戒世人法律面前,人人平等,王子犯法与庶民同罪,西面立的是“护法土地”,墙上绘的这些图画分别是“麻姑献寿”、“大禹治水”、“皇帝战蚩尤”、“神农尝百草”(传),这些传说可以把你带到遥远古昔,撩起你绵绵的怀古之情,导游词《辽宁凤凰山导游词》。 观外这四株古松传说作为紫阳观的伙伴已经在这里守护了半个多世纪,古松与古刹相映成辉,使紫阳观显得更加庄重古朴。

  解放纪念塔是1947年为纪念东北解放而建立的。从塔上向山上攀登,有“一百单八对”石阶,到顶端道分两路,向右沿阶道,我们就来到了“三教堂”。 “三教堂”堂门是由两块大石竖立构成,堂顶是一块斜卡在两壁上的整块石板。 现在让我们去看看,这三位仙圣究竟有何超凡之处?看看老子和孔子的额头上闪亮着怎样的中国哲人的智慧之光?我们能看出堂内正殿为石铺殿阶,逐渐向上,殿阶正上放则是一块巨石竖立,上坐“三教”雕像。原来佛道等教不能兼信,而“三教同源”却又有它的历史原因。北宋末年,宋徽宗很是崇奉道士,自称“教主道君皇帝”,道教开始盛行。元朝帝王虽然信佛,也兼信道教,佛道混合,等到明初这种混合开始衰微,等到中叶之后,又因为帝王的倡导,方士、和尚的宣扬,佛士的参加,形成“三教同源”,使儒、佛、道成为一个庞大复杂而且混乱万分的多神教。由此可知,此“三教堂”是成于北宋末年之后。 三教堂洞内左、右有两洞,向左是“通玄洞”,钻过“通玄洞”,过“通天别趣”,出洞之后,在登悬壁,便是“观音阁”。 在这块巨石的顶端,原由一个仅能容纳一人的靠椅式的凹处,这就是观音座。为什么观音在这儿坐呢?因为它的洞府里住神佛较多,派别也杂,她不便在那里习演功法,因而就把早晚坐禅之处改在这里了。久而久之把这块岩石坐出了一个坑。 观音菩萨经常在这里向笛子传授法术,讲经传道,风吹日晒,信徒们心里很是不安,为了感恩颂德,表示尊师的诚心,到家在这右边的岩石上,建了一座庙殿,就是现在的观音阁。从这时起,善男信女们像穿梭般的来往不绝,朝拜进香。 观音阁始建于明神宗年间,分上下两层,上奉“观音”,下站“韦驮”。“观音”是佛教的菩萨名,佛教的《法华经·普门品》中说,遇难众生只要诵其名号,即 “观世音”三字,菩萨即时观其声音,前往拯救解脱,“观世音”是根据这个说法意译过来的。后来唐太宗李世民讳“世”字,只得略去“世”,改称“观音”。据说观音原为男性,女像。观音始于南北朝,还有千手千眼菩萨和送子送财传说等等。至于观音手中所掌的那只“净水瓶”和那根“杨柳枝”原是普洒佛法的意思,是一个象征性的“道具”。后来便成为主宰人间晴雨的法宝,成了有求必应,能治百病的万金油。韦驮是佛教天神,姓韦名混,为南方长天王的八大神将之一,居四天王三十二神将之首。 现在我们来到的是凤凰洞。游览凤凰山有一句顺口溜:“来到凤凰山,幽探凤凰洞,险登箭眼峰,饱览景无穷”。就是说到凤凰山游览总得要亲身体验妙趣横生的凤凰洞,登上闻名遐迩的“箭眼峰”。 看来登“箭眼峰”是难度太大了。俗话说“山不在高,有仙则灵”。我们已经拜了多位大仙。可说凤凰山的灵气已领略了一番,现在我们进凤凰洞弄个明白,我想也就没有什么遗憾了。 传说凤凰洞是凤凰栖息的地方,内藏凤凰蛋。当年唐太宗游览凤凰山,凤凰就是从此洞飞出拜祖。凤凰洞长约200余米,入洞之后,天光亮,越走越暗,须持蜡烛而行。好,现在我们准备好照明工具,让我们身临其境,体验一下凤凰洞究竟如何? 位于“观音阁”和“斗姆宫”中间的这个庙宇是“碧霞宫”,也叫“娘娘庙”。此宫建于道光四年(1824年),后于1982年修复。内奉“三圣母”、“子孙娘娘”、“眼光娘娘”。“三圣母”指的是天德圣母,即周文王之祖母;天贞圣母,即周文王之母;天仙圣母,即周文王之妻,周武王之母称为“贤妻良平”,在善男信女之中享有地位,多有人来次进贡烧香,以求吉利。 建于“观胜台”上的这座庙宇,是“斗姆宫”。斗姆宫始建于明代,传说是妇女捐修的,清乾隆十八年(1753年)重修,内奉八只手的“园明道母天尊”塑像,传说是北斗七星之母,这种三目八臂神像,在佛教里很常见,但在道教诸神中却不多见,显得于众不同。《北斗本命经》中说,不管你多么贫穷,多么背运倒霉,只要诚心礼拜斗姆,称念她的名号,就能消灾灭病,延生得寿,获福无边。 我们今天日程的下一项是到东山景区的凤凰山庄去用餐。 (返回)人称“凤凰不落无宝之地”,看来凤凰山的确是个宝地,不然凤凰怎么会栖息此地?皇上又怎么会慕名巡游呢? 凤凰山是一个以自然山水为主体的,峰洞寺庙古迹为主要特征山岳性的旅游风景区。迷人的景致,自古形成了自然状态的旅游胜地,僧人云游,帝王将相巡游,名人志士觅游凤凰山留下了具有历史价值的文物古迹和优美传说。 近年来,随着丹东加快开放的步伐,凤凰山也吸引着越来越多的来丹客人,平时旅游高峰可达20多万人次,目前已接待了30多个国家和地区的旅游者。 每逢阴历四月二十八,凤凰山的山根儿、山顶上到处都是人,真可说是人山人海,人流最多的时候,一天能达到四五十万人。都是前来赶山、逛庙的,也叫凤凰山庙会。从前清开使,凤凰山形成一年一度的“药王庙会”,即在农历四月二十八日这天祭祀唐朝“药王”-著名的医药学家孙思邈。二十七日这天,“药王”神像游街市一天叫做“出巡”,二十八日,人们游山拜庙求其保佑“病体早愈”或企求安全无事,大吉大利。由于进庙烧香的人越来越多,商人们趁这个机会做起了生意。艺人们也前来献技献艺,加上此时春暖花开,山川河流别有一番风景,游春的人也选在这个日子来尽兴。这个传统一直延续下来,所不同的是,现在这个活动已经成为民间约定俗成的大型群众性物质交流会,从农历四月二十六日至四月三十日共四天。 今天我们虽然没有走完凤凰山,但对凤凰山的大致情况都有了一定的了解。


  Today we are going to visit Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot.

  Fenghuang mountain, located 60 kilometers northwest of Dandong City, hasbeen known as "the first famous mountain in Eastern Liaoning" since ancienttimes. During the reign of Daoguang and Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, Fenghuangmountain, together with Yiwulu Mountain, Qianshan Mountain and Yaoshan mountain,was known as the "four famous mountains in Fengtian province". Now it is knownas "the famous mountain of the country" and "the first famous mountain of theGreat Wall".

  Now the road we take is Shendan Road, that is, the road from Dandong toShenyang. The highway is about 280 kilometers long, and Fenghuang mountain isjust next to Shendan. It is 60 kilometers from Dandong to Fenghuang mountain,and 220 kilometers from Fenghuang mountain to Shenyang. It takes about half anhour from here to Fenghuang mountain. I'd like to use this time to tell youabout Fenghuang mountain.

  The reason why Fenghuang mountain is called Fenghuang mountain is notbecause it looks like a Phoenix, but according to a legend: during the reign ofemperor Zhenguan of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty,came to visit the mountain in admiration of his name. The Phoenix danced on the"ancestor worship stone" and nodded to Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. EmperorTaizong of Tang Dynasty was very happy and immediately gave the mountain"Fenghuang Mountain". Fenghuang mountain is located in the remaining vein ofChangbai Mountain, covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers. Thehighest peak is Zanyun peak, with an altitude of 836.4. Fenghuang mountain isdivided into Xishan, Dongshan, Miaogou, Gucheng, Yulong lake and other scenicspots. It is often said that Fenghuang Mountain has the characteristics ofTaishan, Huashan, Huangshan and Emei. Because of the time constraint, we can'tvisit every scenic spot of Fenghuang mountain today. I'd like to visit severalrepresentative scenic spots of Xishan Mountain with you, so that we can have aglimpse and see the whole picture.

  Now we stop here. Please get ready for climbing.

  We are now at the gate of Fenghuang mountain. This is an antique stylebuilding. On the left is Phoenix, male bird, on the right is Phoenix, femalebird.

  What we see in front of us is Ziyang temple. It is said that Ziyang isauspicious in Taoism, so the Taoist temple takes this as its name. Today, wealso come to Ziyang Temple early. It's a good opportunity for us to "come fromthe East". It seems that this will bring us good luck and good luck. Ziyangtemple is hosted by Fenghuang mountain, also known as Sanguan hall. It was firstbuilt in the early years of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty. It is composed of Sanguanhall, dongxipeidian hall, bell and Drum Tower.

  Now let's go into the Sanguan hall and have a look. In the hall of threeofficials, there are statues of heaven, earth and water. In the middle is TianGuan Yao, who can bless; on the right is di min Shun, who can forgive sins; onthe left is Shui Guan Yu, who can punish evils. If devout people worship infront of the three official statues, they will get rid of their sins and enjoythe blessings of heaven. On the left side of the three official statues are thegroup sculptures of "jinnv in yaochi" (legend), on the right side are the groupsculptures of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea" (legend), and on the east sideof the main hall are the "Dharma protector Lingguan" (legend) Everyone is equalbefore the law. The prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Onthe west side is the "law protecting land". The pictures on the wall are "Maguxianshou", "Dayu Zhishui", "emperor zhanchiyou", "Shennong tasted a hundredherbs" (Legends). These legends can bring you to the distant past and arouseyour continuous nostalgia for the past. As partners of Ziyang temple, thelegends of the four ancient pines have been guarding Ziyang temple for more thanhalf a century. The ancient pines and the ancient temples complement each other,making Ziyang Temple more solemn and simple.

  There are two holes on the left and right in the three church cave. To theleft is the "tongxuan cave". After drilling through the "tongxuan cave" andpassing through the "Tongtian Biequ", after getting out of the cave, climbingthe hanging wall is the "Guanyin Pavilion". At the top of this huge stone, therewas a chair like depression that could only accommodate one person, which is theGuanyin seat. Why does Guanyin sit here? Because there are many deities andBuddhas living in its cave, and there are many different sects, it isinconvenient for her to practice the skills there, so she changed the place ofmeditation to here. Over time, the rock was set in a pit. Guanyin Bodhisattvaoften teaches magic, preaches scriptures and preaches to the flute here. Thebelievers feel very uneasy. In order to be grateful and praise virtue and showthe sincerity of respecting the teacher, a temple has been built on the rock onthe right, which is now the Guanyin Pavilion. From then on, faithful men andwomen went back and forth like shuttles, worshiping and offering incense.Guanyin pavilion was built in the reign of emperor Shenzong of Ming Dynasty. Itis divided into two layers, one for Guanyin and the other for Weituo. "Guanyin"is the name of a Buddhist Bodhisattva. According to the Buddhist "Dharma Sutra ·Pu men pin", if all the dead people recite their name, that is "Guanyin", theBodhisattva immediately observes their voice and goes to rescue and extricatethemselves. According to this statement, "Guanyin" is paraphrased. Later, LiShimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, taboo the word "Shi", so he had to omit"Shi" and change it to "Guanyin". It is said that Guanyin was originally maleand female. Guanyin began in the northern and Southern Dynasties, and there aremany legends about Bodhisattvas with thousands of hands and thousands of eyesand giving away children and wealth. As for the "pure water bottle" and the"willow branch" in Guanyin's hand, they were originally the meaning of universalBuddhism and a symbolic "prop". Later, it became a magic weapon to control theweather in the world, a panacea to treat all kinds of diseases. Wei Tuo is aBuddhist God. His surname is Wei and his name is Hun. He is one of the EightGenerals of the southern Changtian king, ranking first among the 32 generals ofthe four heavenly kings.

  Now we come to Phoenix cave. There is a doggerel when visiting FenghuangMountain: "come to Fenghuang mountain, explore Fenghuang cave, climb arrow eyepeak, and enjoy endless scenery.". When it comes to Fenghuang mountain, you haveto experience the interesting Fenghuang cave and climb the famous "arrow eyepeak". It seems that climbing arrow eye peak is too difficult. As the sayinggoes, "the mountain is not high, there are Fairy Spirit.". We have worshippedmany immortals. It can be said that the aura of Fenghuang Mountain has beenappreciated. Now we go into Fenghuang cave to find out. I don't think we haveany regrets. It is said that Phoenix cave is the habitat of Phoenix, whichcontains phoenix eggs. When Emperor Taizong visited Fenghuang mountain,Fenghuang flew out of the cave to worship his ancestors. Phoenix cave is about200 meters long. After entering the cave, the sky is bright, and the darker yougo, you need to hold a candle.

  OK, now we have the lighting tools ready. Let's experience the Phoenix cavepersonally?

  Everybody, Phoenix cave is really good ~!

  OK, I think everyone is a little tired now. Let's have a rest here. If youhave any questions, let's learn from each other, and I'll learn from you. OK,thank you.
