

2020-03-29 来源:汇意旅游网


Undergraduate Program in Translation and Interpreting


Ⅰ.Program Objectives


The undergraduate program in Translation and Interpreting is aimed at producing interdisciplinary students proficient in both English and Chinese, with strong translation and interpreting competence and a general knowledge of translation theories, and prepared for academic study in translation and interpreting studies. Students are expected to be competent in offering essential translation, interpreting and other language services in various fields including science and technology, news media, foreign affairs, economics and trade, education and culture.


Ⅱ.Learning outcomes

1. 具备良好的思想道德、人文素养和职业素养;

2. 具有国际视野和跨文化交流与合作能力,较强的逻辑思辨能力和信息加工能力; 3. 了解中国和主要英语国家的历史、社会与文化,掌握科技、新闻、政治、经济、 外贸、教育、文化等领域的基础知识;

4. 具有扎实的英汉双语基础,熟练的英、汉语笔头和口头表达能力;

5. 掌握各种场合的交替传译技能与策略,不同文体的笔译能力和熟练运用翻译工具 辅助翻译的能力;

6. 了解中外翻译史、基础翻译理论、翻译行业的现状和发展趋势;

7. 了解基本的语言学、文学知识和翻译研究方法,具备一定的翻译研究能力。

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate good moral character, broad knowledge in humanities and professional ethics; 2. Develop global mindset, cultural competence, sophisticated analytical thinking skills and



information processing capacities;

3. Build up a good understanding of the history, society and culture of China and the most popular English-speaking countries, and a general understanding of the fundamentals of science and technology, journalism, politics, economics, foreign trade, education and culture;

4. Be proficient in both English and Chinese with wonderful writing and speaking skills in both languages;

5. Acquire consecutive interpreting skills on various occasions, skills to translate different text-types, and use CAT programs and other translation tools effectively;

6. Develop an understanding of the history of translation, translation theories, current and future trends in the translation industry;

7. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of linguistics, literature and approaches to translation studies, and capability to carry out research in the field of translation and interpreting studies.


Ⅲ.Program Highlights 翻译能力为导向、复合型

Translation and interpreting competence-oriented; interdisciplinary 四、主干学科

Ⅳ.Main Discipline 翻译学

Translation Studies


Ⅴ.Program Length and Degree 学制:四年

Program length: 4 years 授予学位:文学学士

Degree conferred:Bachelor of Arts 六、学时与学分

Ⅵ.Credits Hours and Units


Minimum curriculum credits (including courses and practicum): 160

Major-related basic courses and core courses cannot be covered using credits from other courses in the program.


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Minimum extracurricular credits: 3 1.课程体系学时与学分

Course Credit Hours and Units

课程类别 素质教育通识课程 学科基础课程 专业 课程 集中性实践教学环节 总计 专业核心课程 专业选修课程 课程性质 必修 选修 必修 必修 选修 必修 学时/学分 576/32 160/10 832/56 352/22 416/26 224/14 2560/160 占课程体系学分比例(%) 20 6.25 3.5 1.375 1.625 8.75 100 Course Type Essential-qualities-oriented Education General Courses Discipline-related Courses Core Major-specific Courses Elective Practicum Total Required /Elective Hrs/Crs Percentage (%) Required 576/32 20 Elective 160/10 6.25 Required 832/56 3.5 Required 352/22 1.375 Elective 416/26 1.625 Required 224/14 8.75 2560/160 100 2.集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Practicum Credits 实践教学环节名称 军事训练 公益劳动 科研训练 专业实习 科技实践 毕业设计(论文) 学术英语写作 合计

课程性质 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 周数/学分 2/1 1/0.5 1/0.5 4/2 2/1 16/8 2/1 28/14 占实践教学环节学分比例(%) 7.1 3.6 3.6 14.3 7.1 57.2 7.1 100 Course Title Military Training On-campus Voluntary Work Research Internship Program Field Trip Undergraduate Thesis Academic English Writing Total Required /Elective Weeks/Credits Percentage (%) Required 2/1 7.1 Required 1/0.5 3.6 Required 1/0.5 3.6 Required 4/2 14.3 Required 2/1 7.1 Required 16/8 57.2 Required 2/1 7.1 28/14 100 3.课外学分

Extracurricular Credits



序号 1 名 称 提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者 社会实践活动 个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者 2 思政课社会实践 提交调查报告,取得成绩 全国大学英语六级考试(英语、翻译专业过英语获六级证书者(英语、翻译专业八级) 全国大学日语/法语/德语等四级考试 托福考试 雅思考试 3 英语及计算机考试 GRE考试 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 上海英语高级口译证书考试 全国计算机等级考试 全国计算机软件资格、水平考试 专业获英语专业八级证书) 获证书者 达90分以上者 达6.5分以上者 达280分以上者 获证书者 获证书者 获二级以上证书者 获程序员证书者 获高级程序员证书者 获系统分析员证书者 获一等奖者 校级 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 获一等奖者 4 竞赛 省级 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 获一等奖者 全国 5 6 7 论文 科研 创新 在全国性刊物发表论文 视参与科研项目时间与科研能力 视创新情况 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 每篇论文 每项 每项 要 求 课外学分 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 6 4 3 2-3 1-3 1-3 注:在校运动会上参加某项目获得第一名、第二名,等同于校级竞赛一等奖;获得3-5名,等同于校级竞赛二等奖;获得6-8名,等同于校级竞赛三等奖。

No. 1 Activities Community Engagement Ideological and political course Social Practice Requirements Submitting a report and passing the oral defense Individuals awarded “Active Participant” / Teams awarded “Excellent Performance” by HUST or Hubei Youth League Committee Submit a report and obtain a passing score CET-6 (For Non-English majors) / TEM - 8 (For English and Translation majors) CJT/TFU/PHSD - 4 TOEFL IELTS Certificate Certificate Scoring 90 and above Scoring 6.5 and above Extracurricular Credits 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 Qualifications · ·393


GRE CATII SFLICE (Advanced) Scoring 280 and above Certificate Certificate Programmer Senior Programmer System Analyst First Prize University-level Second Prize Third Prize First Prize 4 Competitions Provincial-level Second Prize Third Prize First Prize National-level 5 7 Academic Papers Innovation Published in national-level journals Contribution and research capability Innovation capacity Second Prize Third Prize Each paper Each program Each Program 6 Research Programs 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 6 4 3 2-3 1-3 1-3 National Computer Rank Examination Certificate (Grade 2 or above) Qualifications for Computer and Software Technology Proficiency Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.


Ⅶ.Main Courses and Innovation (Entrepreneurship) Courses (一)主要课程 Main Courses

英语精读Intensive English Reading, 英语听力English Listening, 英语写作English Writing, 英语演讲与辩论English Public Speaking and Debate, 英语国家社会与文化 Society & Culture of English Speaking Countries, 英汉语言对比Comparative Studies of English and Chinese, 翻译概论Introduction to Translation, 英汉翻译English-Chinese Translation, 汉英翻译Chinese-English Translation, 基础口译Fundamental Interpreting, 交替传译Consecutive Interpreting, 实用翻译Practical Translation

(二)创新(创业)课程 Innovation (Entrepreneurship) Courses

创新意识启迪: 英汉语言对比 Comparative Studies of English and Chinese

创新能力培养: 汉英翻译 Chinese-English Translation、英汉翻译 English-Chinese Translation



创新实践训练: 信息技术与语言服务Information Technology and Language Services、口译证书培训CATTI Training


Ⅷ.Practicum Module (experiments included)

专业实习Internship program、毕业论文Undergraduate thesis、科技实践Field Trip 九、教学进程计划表 Ⅸ.Course Schedule

院(系):外国语学院 School of Foreign Languages 课程 课程 课程 类别 性质 代码 course required/ course code type elective


其中 Including Major: Translation and Interpreting 设置 学时 学分 学期 hrs crs 实验 上机 semester exp. operation 40 2.5 1 40 40 2.5 2.5 4.5 160 10 2-8 4 2 3 课程名称 course name 必 修 思想道德修养与法律基础 MAX0022 Required Morals & Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 素质教育通识课程必 修 中国近现代史纲要 MAX0042 Required Survey of Modern Chinese History 必 修 马克思主义基本原理概论 MAX0013 Required Introduction to Basic Principle of Marxism 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 必 修 72 MAX0002 Introduction to Maoism and Socialism with Required Chinese Characteristics 必 修 形势与政策 MAX0031 Required Situation and Policy 必 修 大学体育(一) PHE0001 Required Physical Education (I) 必 修 大学体育(二) PHE0011 Required Physical Education (I) 必 修 大学体育(三) PHE0021 Required Physical Education (III) 必 修 大学体育(四) PHE0031 Required Physical Education (IV) 必 修 军事理论 RMWZ0001 Required Military Theory 必 修 中国语文 CHI0001 Required Chinese 选 修 Elective 从不同的课程模块中修读若干课程,艺术类课 程不低于2学分,总学分不低于10学分 General Education Courses (elective) 32 32 32 32 32 16 32 · ·393

Essential-qualities-oriented Education General Courses 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5-7 1 2 3 4 2 2 必 修 计算机与程序设计基础(VB) NCC0011 Required Fundamentals of Computer Programming (VB) 48 3 8 1 华中科技大学2019级本科专业培养计划

必 修 第二外国语(一) SFL0041 Required Second Foreign Language (I) 必 修 第二外国语(二) SFL0021 Required Second Foreign Language (II) 64 64 4 4 5 6

课程名称 course name

其中 Including 续表

课程 课程 课程 类别 性质 代码 course required/ course code type elective 选 修 第二外国语(三) SFL0031 Elective Second Foreign Language (III) 必 修 微积分(三) MAT0542 Required Calculus (III) 必 修 英语精读(一) SFL1062 Required Intensive English Reading (I) 必 修 英语精读(二) SFL1092 Required Intensive English Reading (II) 必 修 英语精读(三) SFL1052 Required Intensive English Reading (III) 必 修 高级英语(一) SFL0792 Required Advanced English (I) 设置 学时 学分 学期 hrs crs 实验 上机 semester exp. operation 64 4 7 64 64 64 64 64 64 24 24 40 40 40 40 32 32 24 24 32 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 学科基础课程必 修 高级英语(二) SFL0781 Required Advanced English (II) 必 修 多文体阅读(一) SFL1101 Required Selected English Reading (I) 必 修 多文体阅读(二) SFL0681 Required Selected English Reading (II) 必 修 英语听力(一) SFL0952 Required English Listening (I) 必 修 英语听力(二) SFL0982 Required English Listening (II) 必 修 英语听力(三) SFL0972 Required English Listening (III) 必 修 英语听力(四) SFL0962 Required English Listening (IV) 必 修 英语语音(一) SFL0932 Required English Pronunciation (I) 必 修 英语语音(二) SFL0832 Required English Pronunciation (II) 英语日常会话(一) 必 修 SFL1081 Required English Conversation (I) 英语日常会话(二) 必 修 SFL1071 Required English Conversation (II) 必 修 英语演讲与辩论(一) SFL1012 Required English Public Speaking and Debating (I) Discipline-related General Courses



必 修 英语演讲与辩论(二) SFL1042 Required English Public Speaking and Debating (II) 必 修 英语基础写作 SFL0993 Basic English Writing Required 必 修 英语中级写作(一) SFL1033 Required Intermediate English Writing (I) 32 32 32 2 2 2 4 2 3

课程名称 course name

其中 Including 续表

课程 课程 课程 类别 性质 代码 course required/ course code type elective 必 修 英语中级写作(二) SFL1023 Intermediate English Writing (II) Required 必 修 英语高级写作 SFL1003 Advanced English Writing Required 设置 学时 学分 学期 hrs crs 实验 上机 semester exp. operation 32 2 4 32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 3 5 6 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 6 6 必 修 英语国家社会与文化 SFL2431 32 Society & Culture of English Speaking Countries Required 必 修 英汉语言对比 SFL5921 Required Comparative Studies of English and Chinese 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 专业核心课程必 修 英语文学导论(一) SFL2421 Introduction to English Literature (I) Required 必 修 英语文学导论(二) SFL2411 Introduction to English Literature (II) Required 必 修 语言学导论 SFL2331 Required Introduction to Linguistics 必 修 翻译概论 SFL2461 Required Introduction to Translation & Interpretation 必 修 英汉翻译 SFL2341 Required English-Chinese Translation 必 修 汉英翻译 SFL2141 Required Chinese-English Translation 必 修 信息技术与语言服务 SFL2501 Required Information Technology and Language Services 必 修 基础口译 SFL2151 Required Fundamental Interpreting 必 修 交替传译 SFL2161 Required Consecutive Interpreting · ·393

Major-specific Core Courses 专业选修课程 专业选修课程(需选修13门课程,修满26学分)13 from the following modules (26 credits) 笔译类课程 Translation Module Electives 选 修 新闻翻译 SFL6011 Elective Journalistic Translation 选 修 中国文化英译 SFL5671 Elective Translating Chinese Culture 选 修 实用翻译 SFL5651 Elective Practical Translation Major-specific 华中科技大学2019级本科专业培养计划

选 修 科技翻译 SFL5341 Elective Sci-Tech Translation 选 修 文学翻译 SFL5871 Elective Literary Translation 选 修 商务翻译 SFL5721 Elective Business Translation 32 32 32 2 2 2 7 7 7

课程名称 course name

其中 Including 续表

课程 课程 课程 类别 性质 代码 course required/ course code type elective 选 修 翻译研究方法 SFL5271 Elective Approaches to Translation Studies 口译类课程 Interpreting Module 设置 学时 学分 学期 hrs crs 实验 上机 semester exp. operation 32 2 7 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 32 2 6 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 3 5 6 选 修 联络口译 SFL5381 Elective Liaison Interpreting 选 修 商务口译 SFL5711 Elective Business Interpreting 选 修 专题口译 SFL5741 Elective Subject-based Interpreting 选 修 视译 SFL5681 Elective Sight Interpreting 选 修 口译证书培训 SFL5361 Elective CATTI Training 选 修 同声传译 SFL5631 Elective Simultaneous Interpreting 选 修 模拟会议口译赏析与实践 SFL5401 Elective Mock Conference Interpreting 语言文化类课程 Linguistics and Cultural Studies Module 专业选修课程Major-specific Electives

选 修 中国文化通论 SFL5951 Elective Introduction to Chinese Culture 选 修 西方思想经典 SFL5811 Elective Western Classic Readings 选 修 跨文化交际 SFL5371 Elective Intercultural Communication 中西文化比较 选 修 SFL5581 Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Elective Cultures 选 修 词汇学 SFL5021 Elective Lexicology 选 修 语料库语言学 SFL5831 Elective Corpus Linguistics 选 修 计算语言学 SFL5871 Elective Computational Linguistics 32 32 32 2 2 2 3 6 7 ·393·


实践环节总共修满14学分 (Practicum: 14 credits) 2w 1w 1w 1 0.5 0.5 1 8 6 实践必 修 军事训练 RMWZ3511 环Military Training 节Required 必 修 公益劳动 HQJT3511 Required On-campus Voluntary Work practical 科研训练 必 修 SFL3541 Required Scientific Research Training training items

课程名称 course name

其中 Including 续表

课程 课程 课程 类别 性质 代码 course required/ course code type elective 必 修 专业实习 SFL3581 Internship 实Required 践必 修 毕业设计(论文) SFL3521 环Undergraduate Project (Thesis) 节Required 设置 学时 学分 学期 hrs crs 实验 上机 semester exp. operation 4w 2 7 16w 2w 2w training items 8 1 1 8 2 7 · ·393

practical 必 修 科技实践 SFL3531 Required Field Trip 必 修 学术英语写作 SFL3571 Academic Writing in English Required
