全文共6篇示例,供读者参考 篇1
One time at uni there was a really crazy thing that happened! It was my second year and I was living in the dorms with my best friend Samantha. We had been besties since we were little kids back in kindergarten. Samantha and me used to have so much fun playing pretend and running around at recess. We made a pinky promise that we would go to the same university and be roomies forever and ever!
Anyway, it was a Tuesday I think, and we were getting ready for our morning classes. I had just stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my wet hair. Samantha was brushing her teeth and getting her bookbag packed up. All of a sudden, the fire alarm started blaring so loud! The flashing lights and siren scared us half to death.
\"Oh no, a fire!!\" I shouted, my heart pounding fast. We weren't sure if it was just a drill or if there were real flames and smoke. Either way, you have to get out of the building as quick as you can when that alarm goes off. Samantha and I threw on
whatever clothes were nearest and grabbed our phones and keys. We hurried out to the hallway where we saw our neighbors Emma and Kayla rushing too.
The four of us stuck together as we evacuated, trying not to panic. When we got outside, there were fire trucks arriving with their sirens wailing. Firefighters were running in all geared up to see what was going on. We stood around with all the other students waiting to find out if it was safe to go back in or not. After what felt like forever, one of the firefighters came out and announced over his bullhorn that it was just a prank! Some silly students had pulled the alarm as a joke. Can you believe that? We were all so relieved that it wasn't an actual emergency, but pretty ticked off too. Whoever did that prank was gonna be in huge trouble!
We were allowed to go back inside finally. When we got back to our room, everything was just as we'd left it thankfully. Although, our hearts were still beating really fast from the scare and all the rushing around! Samantha and I just looked at each other and cracked up laughing at how crazy it all was. We decided we needed to treat ourselves after that whole ordeal, so we walked to the cafeteria and got quadruple scoops of ice cream for breakfast!
That fake fire alarm was definitely one of the most
unforgettable experiences I had at university. Samantha and I still laugh about it to this day. I'll never forget how panicked we were, but how it all turned out okay in the end. And that delicious ice cream for breakfast really hit the spot after going through so much excitement first thing in the morning! It's a memory I'll cherish forever from my uni days.
Once Upon a Uni Time
Hi guys! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Today I wanna tell you about the super duper cool time I had at
university! You might be thinking \"Whoa Timmy, you're just a kid, what were you doing at a university?\" Well, let me explain! My big sister Sophia is a student at a really big school called Harvard University. It's in a place called Cambridge which is nextdoor to a city called Boston. Boston is where my family lives. One day, Sophia said I could come visit her at university for her birthday! I was so excited, I jumped up and down until I was dizzy.
The morning I went to visit, I put on my favorite Superman shirt and blue jeans. I brushed my teeth extra long to get them
sparkly clean. I was ready for my university adventure! Mom drove me and we listened to fun songs in the car like \"The Wheels on the Bus\" to get pumped up.
When we got to Harvard, my jaw dropped to the floor. The buildings were ginormous and very very old looking, like ancient castles from the medieval times! I felt like a tiny little ant. Sophia met us outside and gave me a big bear hug. Then she took me by the hand and said \"Welcome to Harvard little bro! Get ready for the best day ever.\"
First, Sophia showed me her dorm room where she sleeps. It was pretty small but she decorated it with lots of twinkly lights and pictures of our family. I got to jump on her tiny bed which was fun! She said she stays up very late every night studying hard stuff like mathematizicians and univerologicals. I don't really know what those things are but they sound super brain-busting. Next, we went to the library which was bigger than the biggest grocery store I'd ever seen! Billions of books lined the shelves as far as my little eyes could see. Sophia said if I pulled one book out, the whole place might implode and create a black hole that would swallow the whole universe! So I kept my grabby hands in my pockets.
For lunch, we got to eat in a huge dining hall just like at the magic school Hogwarts from Harry Potter! Hundreds of students were chowing down on yummy food like chicken nuggets and pizza. I picked the gooiest, cheesiest slice and played a fun game trying to slurp up the longest cheese string without breaking it. Sophia's friends thought I was hilarious!
After lunch, Sophia took me to her favorite place - the science lab! There were bubbling potions and bins full of weird critterslike snakes and bunnies. An awesome professor named Dr. Frankensquare let me do my first ever experiment. I got to mix together vinegar and baking soda to create an erupting volcano! The \"lava\" fizzed up and oozed all over the table. I was crazy impressed by my mad scientist skills.
The best part was still to come though...Sophia's birthday party!! We met up with about twenty of her friends at a big courtyard on campus. There were colorful decorations and a cake bigger than a truck tire. After Sophia blew out the candles, her friend DJ Blastzone fired up the beats and we all went crazy dancing! I did the sprinkler, the shopping cart, and the infinite dab like a total pro. Everybody cheered me on and said I was killing it on the dance floor! Finally, the day had to end
. As we walked back to the car, I felt like a million dollars after conquering the university. I gave Sophia a huge squeeze and thanked her for the illest birthday adventure ever! Harvard was probably the funnest place I'd been in my entire life so far. I couldn't wait to grow up, go to college, and have epic days like that all the time! Take it from me boys and girls, universities are THE BOMB!
A Super Duper College Adventure
Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Last week, I got to go on a really exciting adventure to a college campus with my older sister Sarah. She's a student there and she took me along for the day. It was so cool!
When we first got there, I was amazed at how huge the buildings were. Sarah's college has tons of really tall buildings all clustered together. She told me they were called dorms, libraries, classrooms and other funny names. The dorm is where she lives away from home. Her room is tiny but she decorates it with fun lights and pictures to make it cozy.
After dropping her backpack off, we headed out to explore the campus. There were people everywhere! Students walking to class, sitting on benches studying, playing frisbee on the lawn. Sarah said there are thousands of students who go there. Thousands! That's like a whole city of just students. The
sidewalks were packed and everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere.
We stopped to eat lunch at a huge dining hall that reminded me of the cafeteria in my elementary school, but a million times bigger. There were so many different food stations - one had pizza, another tacos, another stir-fry. And they had an entire room just for desserts! I got a huge brownie sundae that was as big as my head. Soooo delicious!
Then we went to the student center which had a game room, lounge areas, and even a climbing wall! Sarah and I played a few rounds of pool and air hockey. I'm normally better than her at those games but I let her win since she's away at school and all. The best part was going to Sarah's chemistry lab. We got to wear safety goggles and white lab coats like real scientists! Under her professor's supervision, Sarah showed me how to mix together chemicals to make tiny explosions and fizzy
concoctions. It was like magic but with science! The professor
was really nice and let me take home a little jar with exploration samples inside.
On our way out, we stopped at the campus bookstore so Sarah could get some school supplies. I begged her to buy me a college t-shirt even though I can't go there for like 10 more years. I'm going to wear it to school on Monday to show my friends. I had such an awesome time visiting Sarah at college. It seemed like a lot of work with all the classes, studying, and living away from home. But there was so much fun stuff to do on campus too! I gave Sarah the biggest hug when it was time to leave and made her promise to take me again soon. Ican't wait for college!
An Unforgettable Experience in College
Whoa, college was like nothing I've ever seen before! My big sister Sarah went there and she told me all about the crazy things that happened. I could hardly believe my ears when she started talking about it.
Sarah said the campus was huge, like a whole town just for students! There were massive buildings everywhere with lecture
halls that could fit hundreds of people. I can't even imagine having classes that big. In my elementary school, we only have around 20 kids per class. Having hundreds of people in one room would be downright overwhelming for a little guy like me. Then there were the dorms where all the students lived. Sarah described them as these tall buildings lined up in a row, with tiny rooms for each student to sleep in. She said it was kind of like summer camp, but all year round! Except at summer camp, you get your own cozy cabin instead of just a miniature room. The dorm rooms had no space at all - just enough for a small bed, a desk, and a dresser. I don't know how anyone could live like that!
The dining halls sounded fun though. Basically it was these enormous cafeterias with every kind of food you can imagine. Sarah said the lines were always super long, but it was worth it for the never-ending pizza, hamburgers, ice cream, you name it! That's my kind of place. My favorite part of the day at school is lunchtime when I get to eat.
Despite the craziness, Sarah insists that college is also a place for working really hard. She pulled countless all-nighters to cram for massive exams and write heavy-duty term papers. That doesn't sound like much fun at all! I'll take elementary school any
day over that kind of workload. We barely have any homework besides reading, math worksheets, and studying for quizzes. College seems a thousand times harder.
At the end of the day though, Sarah says she'll always look back on her college memories with joy. She met her best friends for life, explored her true passions, and took her first steps into adulthood. I guess it's one of those things you can't fully understand until you experience it for yourself. Even with all the chaos and hard work, college still shaped her into who she is today.
I probably have a long way to go before I'll ever set foot on a college campus. But Sarah's hilarious stories have me both eager and anxious for that day. Maybe if I'm really lucky, I'll be able to have my own unforgettable college experience to tell my future kids about. Though I'll probably leave out the rambunctious party details - some things are better left unsaid! For now, I'm more than happy being a kid and focusing on the basics like reading, writing, and playing outside with my friends. College can wait until I'm finally ready for that ultra-sized world.
An Unforgettable College Experience
Hi guys! Today I wanted to tell you about a really cool thing that happened to me when I was in college. Yeah, I know I'm just a kid now, but I used to be a college student! Crazy, right? Anyway, it was my junior year and I was taking this really hard class about... um... let's just say it was a really really hard class, ok? The professor was super mean and gave us tons of homework every night. Like literally tons - I had to get a forklift to carry it all! Just kidding, but you get the idea.
So there I was, slaving away late one night trying to get this massive assignment done. I had been working on it for days and I was exhausted. I started falling asleep at my desk when all of a sudden, I heard this weird noise. It sounded like... I don't know... like some tiny people were having a dance party or something? At first I thought I was just dreaming. But then I looked down at my textbook and I could NOT believe my eyes! There were all these tiny little people, no bigger than my thumb, dancing around on the pages! They were wearing these crazy bright colored outfits and doing all kinds of funky dance moves. The whole book was like a dance floor!
I must have looked as confused as a puppy watching algebra because one of the little people shouted up at me, \"Hey big guy, what's the problem? You've never seen book sprites before?\"
\"Book... sprites?\" I stammered, feeling dizzier than if I'd just got off a tilt-a-whirl. The little guy rolled his eyes at me.
\"Yeah, book sprites. We live in books and come out at night to have fun when you fall asleep studying. Didn't they teach you anything in school?\"
Well, excuse me Mr. Smarty Pants Sprite! How was I
supposed to know tiny people lived in books? Although it would explain a lot about some of the weird stuff I'd seen around campus...
Anyway, the book sprites invited me to join their party and started showing me all kinds of cool dance moves. We danced all night to funk, hip hop, disco - you name it, these little guys could groove to it! When morning came, I had so much more energy from all the dancing that I was able to finish my assignment no problem.
From then on, I made sure to stay up late \"studying\" as often as I could so I could party with the book sprites. We became great friends and they helped keep my spirits up during some really tough times. I'll never forget those funky little guys as long as I live!
So that's the story of my unforgettable college experience with the book sprites. Crazy, right? I know it sounds made up, but I pinkie promise it's the total truth. I mean, would I lie to you? Anyway, let me know if you ever see any book sprites dancing around and maybe you can join their party too! Just don't fall asleep, or you'll miss all the fun!
One Time At College That I'll Never Forget
Hi, my name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. My big brother Jake just started college last year and I went to visit him one weekend. It was sooo exciting!
When we got to the campus, I couldn't believe how huge it was! There were buildings everywhere - some old ones made of bricks and some modern ones with lots of windows and weird shapes. Jake said the modern ones were for science classes. I wished my elementary school looked that cool.
Jake's dorm room was tiny but he seemed to like it. He had posters of superheroes on the walls and his bed wasn't made (typical boy!). His roommate Mark was there too. He seemed nice and gave me a high five.
After dropping his stuff off, Jake took me to explore the campus. We went to the student center first. It had restaurants, stores, and lots of students hanging out. The food court smelled so good - I wanted to try everything! We got ice cream cones and they were massive. Brain freeze city!
Then we went outside to see the main yard. It was beautiful with tons of big old trees and green grass. Some students were tossing frisbees around while others studied on blankets. Jake said in spring everybody comes out to lay in the sun between classes. I'd probably fall asleep if I tried to study outside!
The best part was the rec center though. It had a huge pool, basketball courts, climbing walls, and every workout machine you can imagine. You could literally do any sport or exercise there! Jake and I played basketball (well, I dribbled around while he shot hoops) and went swimming too. The pool was Olympic-sized and way deeper than the one at my community center. I had to use a kickboard so I didn't drown!
After we dried off, we walked over to the football stadium. It was empty but sooo big! The field seemed to go on forever. Jake said they pack over 60,000 fans in there for the big games. I've never seen that many people in one place besides maybe at a baseball stadium! The thought of it made me dizzy.
As the day went on, we stopped for dinner at the dining hall. You could get anything you wanted there - pizza, burgers, pasta, you name it! I loaded up my tray with cheeseburgers, fries, and a huge cookie for dessert. Jake said he eats way too much unhealthy food there. No wonder he's getting a freshman 15! By the time we got back to the dorm, I was exhausted. We watched a movie in his room and I could barely keep my eyes open. College seemed like a blast but also a lot of work. I'm not sure if I'll be ready for it when I'm older!
All in all, I had an awesome time visiting Jake. I got to see what college is really like instead of just hearing about it. It's kinda like summer camp - you're away from your parents, meeting new people, and doing activities all day. Except you also have to go to a ton of classes and study really hard. No thanks! I'm definitely going to go back and visit Jake again soon though. A weekend hanging out with my big brother and eating all the junk food I want? What's not to love about that?! So that's the story of my most unforgettable college experience so far. Even though I'm just a kid, I'll always
remember that fun weekend and how excited I am to maybe go to college myself one day. But uh, not for like 10 more years!
Being a college kid seems cool but I'm sticking with 3rd grade for now.