
Improvements in and Relating to Moulding Machines

2020-08-09 来源:汇意旅游网

专利名称:Improvements in and Relating to Moulding


发明人:JOHN CHARLES TURNER申请号:AU2002300103申请日:20020711公开号:AU2002300103A1公开日:20050224

摘要:A continuous-path moulding machine for manufacture of moulded articles,including at least one moulding or form die moving continuously or stepwise forward ona primary path and at least one transfer or pressing die moving continuously or stepwiseforward on a secondary path. At least one of the paths is a continuous-loop path, withthe arrangement such that a component on the continuous-loop path passes a givenfixed point on the continuous-loop path repeatedly. A plurality of discrete referencepositions are provided on at least the primary path. The discrete reference positionsgenerate at least one position defining signal on the primary path. At least one positiondefining signal is transmitted to at least one digital input/output controller (DIOC), theDIOC including associated customized software containing \"if - then\" type instructions. Atleast one communication means is provided to enable signals to be communicated from astationary component of the continuous-path moulding machine to at least onecomponent on a path of the continuous-path moulding machine to maintain real timerelationship and positional control between at least one moulding or forming die on aprimary path and at least one transfer or pressing die on a secondary path while thecontinuous-path moulding machine is operating to produce moulded articles.


