A Contrastive Study of Verbal Taboos in Chinese and EnglishHu Bei University OF Arts AND Science
作者:ZHENG Jing yuan
【Abstract】Taboos exist everywhere in the world as a very common social
phenomenon.Different countries has different cognition of taboo concerning the same thing,which result in some embarrassments or even barrier when people communication.This study is intended to give an account of verbal taboos by contrasting them in both Chinese and English background.To get acquainted with the differences between the two countries and promote people communicate fluently more is the important destination of this study.
【Key words】contrastive study; verbal taboos; intercultural communication
Nowadays,intercultural communication is becoming more and more frequent.Communication is helpful to promote relationships.But different culture has influence on the custom,which developed various taboos.Taboos are closely related with the culture and religion.People may be regarded rude sometimes when they ignorant that.Once upon a time,the famous fast-food restaurant KFC located their brand in India and offer the beef hamburgers to Indian,this behavior hit the company a very agonizing lesson.Later they know that the OX is regarded as the symbol of holy in India and no Indian massacre that or even eat beef.From this example,we know that when
intercultural communication,people tend to interpret each other’s speech and behavior according to their own faiths and backgrounds.Chinese culture and English culture have some similarities in taboos but also differ in some aspects,comparing the two countries can get more knowledge of taboos to get more skills to have fluent intercultural communications.
In the early stage,researchers study verbal taboos combine with anthropology,sociology and ethnology.In 1980s,verbal taboo attracts more social linguistic researchers’ attention.Social
Linguistics and An Introduction to Social Linguistics defined verbal taboo that is people avoid talking about the rude topics or words that made whom embarrassed when they convey their thoughts with languages.In China,there have established rules and taboos from the earliest time to the present day,written or unwritten.However,this topic is more strictly forbidden due to the deep influence of feudalist ideology.Studies in this area may be later and fewer than those in the West.“Taboo” is mentioned at the first time in 1980,Language and Social Life be published.
Chinese and westerners have a lot in common.This dissertation will account for that from following aspects:
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Taboos on spells
First,in both English and Chinese,there are language taboos of spell in some certain situations.For instance,when people met something unsatisfied or made them angry,they may say some words too vulgar to rarely mention in formal occasions.Such as ‘go to hell’,‘Damn you’,etc.In Chinese also exist similar expression,people use them to vent their dissatisfaction.Often speak these words are generally considered to be impolite or even rude.People who said that are always regarded as an ill-bred. Taboos on Death
Second,in both Chinese and English,taboos of death generally exist in west and east culture.Death is an inevitable stage at the end of life’s journey,and it is a common experience which human beings are reluctant to accept.Therefore,People are always unwilling to mention ‘death’ directly.In English,‘to pass away’,‘to be gone’,and ‘to lose one’s life’ instead express ‘death’.This habit is similar with Chinese culture. Taboos on diseases
Third,both Chinese and westerners show large quantities taboos of some diseases,like the AIDS or other seriously diseases.Not only in Chinese but in English as well,since people fear or worry about the seriously diseases and respect to the patients,they always called “insane” instead of “mad”,“heart condition” for “heart attack”,“slow of hearing” for “deaf”. Taboos on Person’s Names
Fifth,no matter where in Chinese or in English,taboos on person’s name are generally existent.People regarded the god or their rulers as the symbol of holy,so the names of them are also the symbol of holy.Therefore,these names are avoided to use in common person or give the holy symbol a respect name.
In short,there are some similarities of verbal taboos in Chinese and English culture.But there are still a number of differences between verbal taboos of Chinese and English.The differences between Chinese and English verbal taboos can be illustrated in following major aspects: Taboos on Old Ages
Ages in western countries are always a sensitive topic.In British,as old means weak body,out of the main social,and useless for nowadays.Therefore,people are unwilling to say old.They say ‘senior citizen’ or ‘people in advanced years’ instead of ‘the old’.But in China,people do not think the old age.From ancient times,old is the symbol of full of experience and wisdom.The olds are taken care of others.
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Taboos on Numbers
As all known,Taboo words and taboo topics have a tight association with Christianity.People are averse to 13 in English-speaking societies,for Bamboo says the thirteenth person Judas forsake Jesus.But in China,6 and 8 are populared with Chinese,as 6 means successfully and 8 means wealth.On the country,4 and 7 are taboos on numbers in China,as 4 means “death”,7 means “angry”,these meaning are both according to Chinese pronounce. Taboos on Private Secrets
In western countries,people think private secret is very personal things,so when communication with others,they rarely mention age,personal belief,politic tend etc.They regarded that as the private secret,others have no rights to understand.But in China,It doesn’t matter when people may ask ‘How old are you? Are you married?’ etc.though at first meet. From the contrast,it is obvious that there exist both similarities and differences between
Chinese and English verbal taboos.These similarities suggest that the commonality between different cultures,contribute to intercultural communication.More importantly,we should be aware that this is in the difference of the disorder.But why there are so many differences? Here the brief analysis of differences in Chinese and English taboo language reasons Different Historical Backgrounds
Historical backgrounds have much to do with the taboos.Because of the different histories,economic development varies from country to country.As a key element in society,economy has great influence on some taboos related to superstition. Different Religious Beliefs
Some verbal taboos root in the religious beliefs.Christianity,which is prevalent in the West,has bred-in-the-bone influences on many westerners.So the English-speaking countries are generally considered as Christian countries.People in English-speaking countries believe that walking under a ladder brings bad luck.Different from the West,the religion is greatly diverse in China.Buddhism has the most numerous devotees,and Taoism covers the second largest number of Chinese
people.According to Buddhism,the head is the repository of the soul,therefore Chinese feel quite uncomfortable and upset if their head is touched. Different Modes of Thinking
The Chinese thinking mode is apt to emphasize integrity-the harmony of man with nature while the westerners lay much emphasis on individualism-being self-centered and eccentric.The westerners are inclined to be explicit in their way of thinking and speaking and like to take their positions or
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express their opinions first and give descriptions or come up with the facts next while we Chinese do the other way round.In Chinese opinion it is not harmonious with the surroundings,while the westerners give top priority to what they want to convey in a quite explicit way.
In order to achieve successful intercultural communication,we should hold sincere attitudes towards communication.Firstly,we should think globally and culturally.With the developments of science and technology,globalization has already become a current trend of the whole world.we should have a broad mind to think globally and culturally.
Secondly,we should respect the differences.Though there are similarities in verbal taboos,the differences resulted from a variety of factors are decisive in intercultural communication.We are not supposed to measure other cultures with our own standard.It is dangerous to disapprove or scorn the differences in cultures.we should respect the differences and value the different verbal taboos from our culture and the ethnocentric attitude should be avoided.
Finally,Different countries with different cultural backgrounds usually have different verbal taboos.To tolerate these differences means to avoid unnecessary argument and to show understanding to them.We should pay special attention to compare and analyze the differences in verbal taboos and should try to avoid oversimplifying as well. Reference:
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