因为种种缘由,过去中国人的寿命一向短暂,因此俗话有云“人生七十古来稀”。所以,以前中年时期开始的时间早得多,文学家人生中很早就变“老”了,而心理上也趋于保守。/大约过去中国人因种种原因生命特别短暂,“人生七十古来稀”,所以中年时限大大地提前,文化人的心理很快就见保守老迈。 Part B (10%)
1. “In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and the invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.” Refer to; be about; by definition, be....
2. Freedom and dignity are the possessions of the autonomous /self-governing man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. 3. Clearly, we’ve moved away from the agricultural custom of arranged marriages and cloistering girls to preserve their virginity. 4. Now we are forced into a quantum leap from the mutual suspicion and hostility that have marked the past relations between peoples into a world in which mutual respect and comprehension are requisite. /Nowadays we are forced to leap from the relationship characterized by mutual suspicion and hostility into a world of mutual respect and understanding.
5. In the same way, language becomes of value because it is accepted as the symbol of thought, the medium by which thought is transferred from one person to another. Similarly, language has its value in that it is recognized as the symbol of thoughts and the medium of transferring thoughts.
Likewise, the value of language lies in the fact that... V. Writing (29%) Sample 1
On Aging Society
Along with the rapid economic development of China, some social problems have arisen, one of which is the aging problem. Recent statistics indicate that China’s working-age population—those between 15 and 59 years of age—would soon reach its peak and then start declining. At the same time, the aging population poses a challenge to the social security system as more senior citizens need medical care and pension.
Various problems caused by aging population have confronted China’s sustainable development. Firstly, it increases burdens of society, institutions and enterprises for pension and brings health care system heavy pressure. Meanwhile, it reduces social productivity. What’s worse, the aging of population in China, resulting from the successful implementation of family planning policy, has not synchronized with national economic process, and hence, China is very likely to grow old before it grows rich. On the other hand, as the parents of the first only children raised under the family planning policy enter retirement age, the number of empty nest families is on the rise, with their children having gone abroad or busy at work. Taking into account the severity of the problem, we can take the following effective measures to tackle it. To begin with, due attention should be put to the economic development to cater to the needs of the increasing number of the old. What’s more, medical insurance and health care system should be developed and perfected by adjusting the medical service to the old. In addition, some proper jobs should be offered to the old who still want to work and contribute to society. That, to some degree, will provide spiritual nourishment to and meet the demands of the aging people. Sample 2
It is apparent that the phenomenon of aging society is becoming a remarkable common topic with which we are confronted in China today. No one can deny the fact that the percentage of elders in our national population is increasing dramatically. This phenomenon may brings about a lot of consequences, with the following three being the most critical. Above all, a great many surveys are likely to give a generally impression that it is harm for our domestic economic situation if more and more labors will fail to work. Moreover, a majority of young people are willing to share a common perspective that the phenomenon of aging society makes them exhausted to sustain their whole family. In addition, with the rapid increasing demand of medical resources, there are not enough hospitals at present especially in the suburbs. It is my point of view that our society and our government are
supposed to pay more attention to the phenomenon. Only in this way can this problem will be tackled in the future. The old; the elderly, the elder, old people Harm sb./sth.
Be of much harm to sb./sth. Be harmful to sb./sth.