

高一必修1 、必修2重要句型及翻译


必修1 Unit 1&2

1. While (you were)walking the dog, you were careless. 2. It is/ was the first time that 从句.(从句中的谓语动词用完成时态)

3. It’ s no pleasure looking these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. (It’s no pleasure / use/ good + doing sth.) 4. She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place. (find it +adj. +to do sth.) 5. It is / was +adj. +for sb. + to do sth. 6. As we know, ……

翻译:1. 当你在合计这些数字时,你必须冷静。

While/ When adding up these numbers, you must calm down.

2. 由于对城市生活感到厌烦了, 她决定搬去乡下。

Because of getting tired of the city life, she decided to move to the countryside. 3. 在与她相处后, 我发现很难忽视她所说的。

After getting along with her, I found it difficult to ignore what she said. 4. 在这部令人心烦的电影中扮演角色已不再是乐趣。 It’s no pleasure playing a role in this upset film any longer. 5. 为了上你家, 事实上我故意在此等你。

In order to come up your apartment, actually I am waiting for you here on purpose. 7. 众所周知, 对于一个学生充分利用每一分钟是很重要的。

As we know, it is important for a student to make full use of every minute. 8. 吸烟没有好处。It is no good smoking.

必修1 Unit 3&4

1. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 2. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. 3. We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.(be surprised to do……) 4. A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is. (no matter what/ who/ when/ where/how 无论……) 翻译: 1. 看起来快要下雨了, 所以我们应该马上回家。

It seems as if it is going to rain, so we should go home right away. 2. 地震过后, 他们惊讶地发现一切都处在废墟中。

After the earthquake, they were surprised to find that everything was in ruins. 1

3. 2012年, 世界并没到末日, 因此我们照常工作学习。

The world was not at an end in 2012, so we worked and studied as usual. 4. 我的母亲已下了决心,无论你说什么她都不会改变想法。

My mother has made up her mind, so no matter what you say she won’t change her mind. 5. 来参加聚会的人数是100人, 但他们中许多人提早离开了。

The number of people attending the meeting was 100, but a number of them left early. 6. 自从他大学毕业以来, 他就喜欢上旅行了。

Ever since he graduated from college, he has liked travelling. 7. 我更喜欢待家里, 因此她没能说服我和她去逛街。

I prefer to stay at home, so she can’t persuade me to go shopping with her.

必修1 Unit 5

1. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.(Only + 状语 +部分倒装.) 2. The reason why …… is/ was that …….

翻译:1. 他们把自己的全部身心都放在保护环境上。 They devote themselves to protecting the environment. 3. 那个小偷试图逃避惩罚, 但最终被判入狱两年。

The thief tried to escape being punished, but finally he was sentenced to 2 years in prinson. 4. 如果你有麻烦, 你可以求助于老师和同学。

If you are in trouble, you can turn to your teachers and classmates for help. 5. 在我看来,只有通过努力工作你才会成功。

In my opinion, only by working hard will you succeed. 6. 曼德拉如此伟大的原因是他为南非黑人的平等权利而斗争。

The reason why Mandela is so great is that he fights for the equal rights of the black people in South Africa.

必修2 Unit1

1. It takes /took sb. +some time +to do sth.

2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. 3. It can be proved that…… 翻译:1. 完成这座楼花了工人们一年的时间。It took the workers one year to finish the building. 2. 毫无疑问, 这部电影很值得一看。There is no doubt that the film is well worth seeing. 3. 中国人口比世界上任何其他国家的人口都多,这是可以得到证实的。 It can be proved that China has more people than any other countries in the world. 4. 这个大农场是属于那个年轻女士的, 这太令人惊讶了。

It is amazing that the big farm belongs to the young lady.

5. 他们帮了我很多, 但我不知道做什么来报答。They helped me a lot, but I don’t know what to do in return. 6. 当那两个国家在交战时, 很多人没能幸存下来。


When the two countries were at war, many people could not survive.

7. 你本应该在昨天就修好你的自行车的。You should have repaired your bike yesterday. 8. 我们应该高度评价那些总是帮助别人的人。We should think highly of those who is always helping others.

必修2 Unit 2

1. That’s why they are called the Winter Olympics. (That’s why……) 2. It’s in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing …… (强调句型:It is /was +强调部分+that +句子剩余部分.)

3.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women. (Nor +情态动词/ 助动词/ be 动词 +主语。) 翻译: 1.那个运动员承认作了弊, 因此另一个运动员取代了他。

The athlete admitted having cheated, so he was replaced by another athlete.

2.每四年,运动员们参加奥运会, 在250多个运动项目中互相争夺奖牌。Every four years, athletes take part in the Olympic Games to compete with each other for medals in the more than 250 sports. 3. 孩子们一个接着一个进行表演。The children gave performance one after another. 4. WWF 代表世界野生生物基金会。WWF stands for World Wildlife Fund. 5. Tony很有责任感,这就是为什么他负责这个晚会。

Tony has a strong sense of responsibility, that’s why he is in charge of the party. 6. 我不喜欢牛肉, 我目前也不喜欢。I don’t like beef, nor does my mother.

必修2 Unit3

1. It took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine.

(It takes/ took + 一段时间+ before……) 2. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games. 翻译:1. Linda和我有很多共同点。Linda has a lot in common with me.

2.天气很冷, 结果许多人感冒了。The weather is cold, as a result, many people catch a cold. 3. 作为学生, 我们应该充分利用好每一分钟。As a student, we should make full use of every minute to study. 4. 在WWF的帮助下, 野生动植物受到了保护。With the help of WWF, wildlife are protected. 5. 这本书是由一千零一个故事组成的。The book consists of one thousand and one stories. / The book is made up of one thousand and one stories. 6. 等待消息时我感到很紧张。 I felt very nervous while waiting for the news. 7. 过了两年那部电影才完成。It took two years before the film was completed. 8. 人类的目标是探索火星。Human’s goal is to explore the Mars.

必修2 Unit4 语篇翻译:

野生动植物曾经和平地生活在地球上。然而, 由于人类破坏它们的栖息地并猎杀它们, 它们的数量正在减少。它们中许多处于濒危。有些已经灭绝。幸运的是,我们已经注意到保护野生动植物的重要性。因此, 许多野生动植物保护的法律产生了。根据法律, 如果人们伤害野生动物,他们将被惩罚。如果野生动植物听到这个消息,它们一定会大笑起来。这些法律成功地保护了野生动植物,以至于它们的数量正在



Wild plants and animals used to live on the earth in peace. However, because human beings

destroy their habitat and hunt them, their numbers are decreasing. Many of them are in danger. Some even have died out. Luckily, we have paid attention to the importance of wildlife protection. Therefore, a lot of laws of wildlife protection came into being. According to the laws, if people do harm to wildlife, they will be punished. If the wild plants and animals hear about this news, they must burst into laughter. These laws have succeeded in protecting wildlife, so that their numbers are increasing. As a student, we should make more people appreciate that to protect wildlife from disappearing is to protect ourselves.

必修2 Unit5语篇翻译:

我喜欢爵士乐, 我梦想成为一名音乐人。 一天, 我遇到一个叫做Will的男孩, 他也喜欢爵士乐。他很自信也很幽默,常常戏弄我。有时我会假装生他的气,但说实在地,我很喜欢他的性格。我们相互熟悉了起来。大约一年后,我们组成一个乐队,并在西街为行人表演。我们的音乐如此地有吸引力,以至于我们收到了一个酒吧的邀请。我们开始在酒吧表演,因此我们得到了现金。Will想挣更多的钱,所以建议依靠别的音乐人。我对此很生气。我认为我们不应该把名利看那么重。大约六个月后,乐队解散。 I like jazz, and I dream of being a musician. One day, I met a boy named Will, who liked jazz too.

He was confident and humorous. He often played jokes on me. Sometimes I would pretend to be angry with him. But to be honest, I liked his character. Then we got familiar with each other. After a year or so, we formed a band, and we played to passers-by in the West Street. Our music was so attractive that we received an invitation from a pub. Then we began to give performance in the pub, for which we were paid in cash. Will wanted to earn more money, so he suggested relying on other musicians. I was angry, because I thought we shouldn’t attach great importance to being rich and famous. After about six months, the band broke up.

