

新编英语教程5(词汇Unit1-10) ants05

Unit One Hit the Nail on the Head

1. drive sth home: force (the nail) into the right place; make sth unmistakably clear.

2. scrupulous: painstaking, meticulous 3. far afield: very far away

4. rife:1) widespread, common 2)full of 5. leader: British English for newspaper editorial 6. coercion: pressure, compulsion

7. epitomize: be typical of; serve as the typical example of 8. disprove: prove to be contrary; refute 9. expire: die, pass away; come to an end 10. indigent: poverty-stricken, penniless


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Unit Two Beware the dirty seas

1. sluice: (v.) to pour as if from a sluice(水闸 ),i.e., a man-made passage for water fitted with a gate for stopping and regulating the flow; (n.) a channel controlling water flow

2. nurture: further the development of; care for

3. evolve: develop gradually (by a long continuous process) 4. endemic: (of a disease) found regularly in a particular place

5. litany: repetition. The literal meaning of “litany” is “a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with responses by the congregation”.

6. flush: pour; flood with water to clean out (See dictionary) 7. lurk: exist unseen

8. effluent: liquid wastes, such as chemicals or sewage that flows out from a factory or some other places into a river or the sea

9. plankton: very small forms of plant and animal life that live in a body off water 浮游生物

10. slime: unpleasant sticky substance, such as the thick sticky liquid on the skin of various fish


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Unit Three My Friend, Albert Einstein

1. knack: a clever way of doing things

2. be in awe of: have respect as well as fear and reverence for 3. staggering: unexpectedly surprising; astounding 4. vestiges: traces

5. ultimately: finally; after a long series of time 6. recalcitrant: hard to deal with; unmanageable

7. worry: assail a problem again and again until it is solved, just like a dog biting some small animals repeatedly, shaking it or pulling it with the teeth

8. surcease: (archaic) cessation, pause 9. plausible: seeming to be reasonable 10. a house of cards: an insecure scheme

11. ineffable: unutterable; incapable of being expressed in words 12. elusively whimsical: indescribably quaint or strange 捉摸不透的,古怪


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Unit Four The Invisible Poor

1. perennial: lasting forever or for a long time

2. rutted roads: roads with deep, narrow marks made by the wheels of vehicles

3. be exempt from: be freed from a duty. service, payment, etc. 4. tenement: a large building, especially one in the poor part of a city, which is divided into small flats which are rented cheaply 5. affluent: wealthy, prosperous

6. compound v.: /kom'paund/ make worse by adding (something) to . . . (often used in the passive)

7. existential: relating to human experience (a formal-word) 8. lurid: sensational, shocking

9. dispossessed: people who have lost all their possessions

10. cynical: doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile

11. involvement: connection

12. old rhetoric of reform: writings about reform in the past that sounded fine and important, but were really insincere and meaningless


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Unit Five The Plug—in Drug:TV and the American Family,PartⅠ

1. afflict: trouble

2. asset: valuable object; advantage 3. preposterous: unthinkable, absurd 4. splintering: splitting, breaking up

5. the peer group: a group of people of the same age, class, position. etc. here, group of children of the same age

6. television-oriented: interested in and influenced by TV 7. equivocal: ambiguous

8. sorcerer: person who performs magic by using the power of evil spirits 9. stint: fixed amount of work: here, the fixed TV programme 10. conjure up: bring into the mind

11. sane: (in this context) in possession of good relations/of a close bond 12. backlog: a reserve


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Unit Six Preparing for College

1. driving motive: the incentive / encouragement that urges them on; 2. the rudiments: the basics, the fundamentals (The word rudiments is always in the plural form when used in this sense.)

3. metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that deals with abstract concepts, etc. 形而上学,玄学,纯粹哲学

4. conscious culture: the culture (i.e. customs, arts, etc,) that is directly perceptible or known to us

5. fanatic: one who is very enthusiastic about a particular activity 6. personify: express or represent ( a quality in human form) 7. sedentary: inactive; done while sitting down 8. underline: indicate the importance of 9. balked: baffled; frustrated

10. a maddening lot: a wild, uncontrollable group

11. righteous sects: morally justifiable groups of people whose religious beliefs are considered different form those of a larger group 12. relish: 味,味道,兴趣;开胃小菜;great enjoyment


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Unit Seven Grouping the Gifted:Pro

1. innate: belonging to an individual from birth

2. pursuit: an activity that one engages in as a profession, vocation, or avocation

3. athlete: person who practises athletics; competitor or skilled performer in physical exercises

4. heterogeneously: in such a way that members are very different from one another

5. criterion /--ia: standard on which a decision may be based

6. snob: one who has an offensive air of superiority (here, in matters of knowledge)

7. elite: a socially superior group

8. instill: put (ideas, etc. ) gradually but firmly into someone's mind by continuous effort

9. spark: encourage; stimulate into greater activity

10. latent: present and capable of becoming though not now visible or active

11. skyrocket: rise or increase rapidly

12. pay dividends: produce an advantage. especially as a result of an earlier action (dividend: that part of the money made by a business which is divided among those who own shares in the business 红利)


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Unit Eight Why Nothing Works

1. savant: a man of learning, especially a person with detailed knowledge in some specialized field

2. corollary: an immediate inference from a proved proposition 3. forestall: defeat, prevent by prior measures

4. commitment: a pledge to follow certain beliefs or a certain course of action; devotion (to duty etc. )

5. artifact: a usually small object (as a tool or an ornament) showing human workmanship that has special historical interest 6. evoke: bring to mind

7. projectile point: the tip of a weapon that is thrust forward; spear or arrowhead

8. band: a group of people formed for some common purpose and often with a leader

9. barter: trade by exchanging one commodity for another

10. alienation: a withdrawing or separation of a person from an object or position of former attachment; a feeling of not belonging to or being part of one's surroundings


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Unit Nine Where Is the News Leading Us?

1. symposium: a conference in which experts or scholars discuss a certain subject

2. scrutinize: examine very closely and carefully

3. distortion: misrepresentation; a false or dishonest account 4. eruptive: (in this context) sensational, shocking, disturbing 5. collide with: crash violently into; run into (one another) 6. ingredient: a component part of something 7. inhibitor: one who holds back, prevents 8. deplete: exhaust, use up, reduce

9. cynicism: disbelief in the sincerity of human motives

10. antidote: remedy, corrective; something that prevents or counteracts 11. envision: picture mentally, imagine, visualize

12. caricature: a picture ludicrously滑稽的 exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things


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Unit Ten Things:The Throw—Away Society

1. Humanoid: having human form or characteristics

2. texture: the degree of roughness or smoothness, coarseness or fineness, of a substance or material, especially as felt by touch; visual and tactile qualities of a surface

3. staggering: stunning, wondrous, breathtaking 4. deride: laugh at contemptuously; to scoff at or mock

5. transience: temporariness, impermanence; the quality or state of being temporary or impermanent

6. at a rapid clip: (informal) at a fast pace

7. inextricably embedded: so deeply involved that it is impossible to get free

8. boutique: a small fashionable clothes shop 9. sumptuous: expensive and grand

10. train: a part of a long dress that spreads over the ground behind the wearer

11. A-line dresses: dresses with a flared bottom and close-fitting top, having an \"A\" or tent-like shape 12. supplant: take the place of; replace

