专利名称:Methods of inhibiting proliferation of cells发明人:Etienne Soudant,Lea Bezalel,Meira Ziv,Inon
摘要:A dormant preparation (DC) is provided which is capable of inhibitingproliferation of various kinds of cells. The preparation comprises an extract which isobtained from cells or tissue originating in an organism capable of entering a phase ofdormancy in at least one of its parts and comprises at least one substance which inducesor maintains the state of dormancy in the organism from which the cells or tissue arederived. The DC may be used for a variety of indications including human medicine andcosmetics, plant growth control and food preservation.
申请人:Etienne Soudant,Lea Bezalel,Meira Ziv,Inon Perry
地址:Fresnes FR,Beer Sheva IL,Rehovot IL,Tel Aviv IL
代理机构:Fennemore Craig, P.C.