
国际贸易实务英语 课后术语解释


1. Tariff,also called duty,is a tax collected by a government on the goods imported and

sometimes also on the goods exported.

2. Dumping To export goods at a very low price,even lower than the production cost or the

home-country price.

3. government procurement is for the execution of the government budget.It is often of great

volume,esp.products for national defense,high tech-industry,etc.

4. shipping mark means to have some designs,letters,words,or numbers stenciled on the

transportation packing of cargoes.

5. sales by sample凭样品买卖是按货物样品确定买卖标的物的买卖,出卖人交付的货物应

当与当事人保留的样品具有相同的品质。凭样品买卖时一种特殊买卖,其特殊性表现在以货物样品来确定标的物。(有道翻译Sale by sample is determined according to the

sample of the subject matter is buying and selling business, the seller to deliver the goods with the parties concerned shall be retained samples with the same quality. Sale by sample is a kind of special business, its particularity performance in goods sample to determine the subject matter.)

6. Tolerance is the allowed deviation from a given standard of size,content,performance,purity,or

some other measurable characteristics in the specifications of a product. 7. Neutral packing is the one that makes no mention of the country of origin. 8. Commission is what is paid to the agent or broker for negotiating the sale.

9. Transshipment in marine transport is the movement of goods in transit from one carrier to

another at the ports of transshipment before the goods reach the port of destination.

10. draft is defined as a unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a certain sum of money to the order of a specified person, ot to the bearer.

11. licensing is an agreement whereby one company gives rights to another for the use,usually for

a fee,of such assets as trademarks,patents,copyrights,or other know-how.

12. Franchising is a specialized form of licensing in which the franchisor not only sells an

independent franchisee the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisee’s business,but also more than nominally assists on a continuing basis in the operation of the business.

13. turnkey operation is an operating project that is constructed under contract and transferred to

the owner when the project is ready to begin operations.Turnkey projects involve a fee for the construction and transferring of the operating facility.
