


Knowledge, A New Mean of hoarding

In the ancient years, rich people such as land lords and dignitaries would regard gold as an important mean of hoarding to ensure their families’ prosperity for it can keep its value for a long time. However, most of them would find it unreal because the heavy metal was easily to be stolen or be wasted by their extravagant younger generation. That’s why there is a well-known saying in China: The wealth of a family doesn’t last three generations. But now it seems that they have found a new mean of hoarding, which is more durable and impossible to be stolen, that is knowledge.

In fact, the phenomenon of that so-called knowledge inheritance is not hard to find in China. A professor of Tsinghua University, one of the best universities in China, has done a research on his students, to figure out whether a student’s family condition has an effect on his academic achievement.Most of the students come from well-educated families, with parents as professors, government officials, successful business men and so on. So we can’t deny the family’s role in their development. Similarly,Wang Sicong, the son of the richest man in China. He is under criticism for his comments on Weibo and showing off his property. However, if you bother to spend some time to look up his resume, you will certainly be surprised. He graduated from University College London, the best college of England, and now he is in charge of several companies. Wang has received better education than most Chinese with the support of his father’s wealth. Now we can see a conclusion has formed: Well-educated parents raise well-educated children.

Using knowledge as a mean of hoarding instead of gold makes it easier for the children to innovate. Just like Wang Sicong’s case, by receiving higher education and more professional skills, the child will anticipate in their parents’ business and help to handle the business, as well as, take over it after the retirement of their parents. So the family business can be healthily continued. In addition, using knowledge as a mean of hoarding instead of gold also allows the child to start their own business or make a good living. The gold can be squandered, while the knowledge will never fade away. So, because of these two reasons, now knowledge inheritance has gained its popularity around the world.

In conclusion, as a new mean of hoarding, knowledge does have some advantages over gold and it will take time to test its real effect.
