Can Distance Separate Two Hearts?
My best friend Jessica moved away last summer. Her dad got a new job in another city, so they had to leave. I was really sad when I found out. Jessica and I had been neighbors and best friends since we were little kids. We did everything together - played on the swings at the park, had sleepovers, went trick-or-treating on Halloween. She was like a sister to me. When her family was packing up their house, we promised we would stay best friends forever, no matter how far apart we lived. \"Distance can't separate our hearts,\" Jessica told me as we hugged goodbye. I believed her, but I was still worried that with her living so far away, our friendship might change.
The first few weeks after Jessica left were really hard. I missed playing with her every day after school and on the weekends. Her house just down the street was empty, and that made me sad whenever I looked at it. I couldn't just run over and ring her doorbell anymore.
But Jessica and I started writing letters and emails to each other. We also started video chatting online so we could actually see each other's faces. Looking at her smiling face on the
computer screen made me feel better. I could tell her all about my day at school, and she would tell me about her new school, new house, and new town.
Even though we couldn't play together in person anymore, we could still share stories, jokes, and secrets just like before. The distance between us didn't change how much we cared about each other. Our hearts were still connected as best friends. Some weekends, my mom would drive me to Jessica's new town, and I would get to stay overnight at her house. We would make the most of our time together - having a gigantic sleepover, going to the movies, getting ice cream. When it was time for me to go back home, we'd be sad, but we knew we'd get to see each other again soon.
Other times, Jessica's family would come back to our town to visit relatives. She would come over, and we'd pick up right where we left off, laughing like we'd never been apart. Playing together was just as fun as it had always been.
Now, over a year after Jessica moved, I can definitely say that distance hasn't separated our hearts at all. Sure, we don't get to see each other in person as much as we'd like. But our friendship is still just as strong. We share everything with each other, just like best friends are supposed to. We can even have just as much
fun video chatting or writing letters as we did when we lived right next door.
I've learned that it doesn't matter how far apart good friends are. You can live in different cities, states, or even different countries, and still be just as close as ever. True friendship comes from the heart, and distance can't change that. As long as you make an effort to stay connected and care about each other, your hearts will never drift apart.
Jessica is still my absolute best friend in the whole world. And I know that no matter where life takes us in the future, our hearts will always find a way to be together. Best friends forever – no distance can change that!