专利名称:Communication apparatus for
communicating between LANS through awide area network
发明人:Osamu Sekihata,Tetsuo Nishino申请号:US08/283785申请日:19940801公开号:US05506834A公开日:19960409
摘要:An amount-of-data identifying portion identifies the amount of datatransmitted by referring to a specific portion in the upper layers of the informationtransmitted from the terminal of a LAN, and a bandwidth control line monitor portioncalculates the band which is necessary for communication. Communication between LANsis executed through the number of wide area network interface portions which isdetermined on the basis of the calculated band. In the case that the communication isperformed after securing the band corresponding to the traffic characteristics (transferspeed, etc.) declared to the network, the amount-of-data identifying portion identifiesthe amount of data transmitted by referring to a specific portion in the upper layers ofthe information transmitted from the terminal of a LAN, a traffic characteristics calculatorcalculates the traffic characteristics on the basis of the amount of data transmitted, atraffic characteristics declaring portion declares the calculated traffic characteristics tothe network, and the network communicates on the basis of the declared trafficcharacteristics.